Saturday, August 9, 2008

YoU kNoW yOu LoVe Me

So my wonderful friend Beth, aKa "blog jacker" tagged me so here i go:)

Twenty years ago...

(This one is a toughie, since i was only two so i had to ask my mother what i was like....)

*My favorite thing was to turn up the radio dial to full blast to scare my parents...then run away REALLY FAST!!!

*I loved to carry around my "real Life" baby doll!

*Being naked was a must...apparently i would take off my clothes and run around crazy in the backyard (embarrassing i know)

* You can also add professional hair cutter to the list...while my brother was sleeping somehow i got ahold of some scissors and sure enough my brother was bald HAHAHA i mean sorry Geoff!

Ten Years Ago...

( age 12 )

*Seriously crushing on my best friend, Dave Bench

*playing pool on my dad's new table

*doing summer dance camp

*broke BOTH of my arms

*Watched every movie possible (because of the broken arms)

*dancing in my room in front of the mirror pretending to be some superstar:)

Five Years Ago..

( age 18 )

*Ended a very Bad relationship with Jeremy

*Moved to Spokane to start my new life

*Worked at American Eagle Outfitters

*Worked at Hollywood Video as well

*Met my future Husband Andy...he just didn't know it yet!

*Started to go to a Christan church

*Started to figure out what i wanted out of life and who i wanted to be

One year ago...

(age 21)

*Gave birth to my beautiful son Michael

*Went through a spiritual war with my sons health

*Grew stronger as a person

*Built a closer relationship with my husband

* Toughest year of my life but the most joyful year as well

So Far This Year...

(age 22)

*Celebrated my son's first birthday

*Getting better at this whole parenting thing

*Still working at American eagle

*Celebrated our 2yr wedding anniversary

*Moved BACK INTO our wonderful apartment



(still 22)

*Woke up at 9:30

*Called Beth

*Went to Starbucks and got our fraps:)

*Went to Beth's house for some scrapping
*Took Michael to the Doctors

*Went to Aub's house for Dinner and a movie



(did i say i was 22?)

*Went to work at AE

*Came home to a Sick husband

*Took a nap

*Went to a birthday part for Stacie

*Watched Andy dumped pepper all of the macNcheese (lid came off)

*Watched the finally of So You Think You Can Dance

*Made Chocolate Chip Cookies for Andy

*Watched Dr. Quinn Medicine woman with Andy

*Soon i am going to Bed

(going to be 22)

*Church in the morning


*Get new cell phones

(and that's all we have planned)

Next Year...

( I'm going to be 23!!!)

*Living in a new home...maybe?

*Celebrating my sons HEALTH:)

*Celebrating my 3rd wedding anniversary

*NEW JOB....maybe?

*Being a mommy and wife

*maybe prego? maybe not?....

.....So my list is done...and i have no one to tag because the only one who reads this is Beth!


joyfuliving said...

that was GREAT! you seriously need to share your blog with your friends...way better than myspace! :)

joyfuliving said...

and i don't think i'm the only one that reads this...