Sunday, August 3, 2008

Dream Weekend

Well we are home! This weekend we went to my parents boathouse to be away from work, away from city, and away from drama, which is sad to say but has been alot lately. oh well what can ya do. As soon as we arrived to the boathouse (11pm) and starred into the midnight blue sky sprinkled with stars i felt the worries melt away. It was therapeutic, thats for sure! The weekended consisted of sunset walks, playing games, going kayaking, and plenty of naps. It made me realized how much i missed those moments. You know the ones, the moments where you are just there, mind and all! i honestly couldn't tell you when the last time i had one of those before this weekend. My new goal is to have more of them!

1 comment:

joyfuliving said...

i'm glad you had such a great time! :)