Tuesday, January 13, 2009

And the winner is..

Beth for her HILARIOUS COMMENT she made last night!!! i told you i will blog about it so here i go!!

Last night Beth and I had a girls night that consisted of Wild Noodles, Stamp buying at Michael's, and some lovely Bathroom humor at Target! hahahaha! So there we were in the bath room stalls and it was VERY quiet in there and all of the sudden my wonderful friend decides to announce "I feel like breaking out it song".....BAHAHAHA! it was just so random and that's why i love our friendship so much. we can be silly random girls and have a blast at TARGET!!!

I tried telling the story to my husband last night and he looked at me like i was crazy and just said "oh boy"...i don't think he understands us lol.

1 comment:

joyfuliving said...

...and i think that's a good thing he doesn't understand us. that might be a little too weird if he did. :)