Monday, December 22, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree!!!

So last night Andy and i decorated the Christmas Tree...yes i know, we did it WAY late but hey, at least we got it done before Christmas right? It was so much fun busting out all the decorations because half of them are from my childhood, including the a few from my first Christmas! Each Ornament that i received from my childhood has a story behind it. I'm grateful to my parents for starting that tradition because it brings be warm fuzzys looking at them every time! Its a tradition that i brought into my own family and i cant wait till my son gets older so i can see the excitement on his face when he remembers when he received his Superman Onesy ( this years ornament) because he has been our true blue super baby for overcoming all that he did this year! I just LOVE Christmas traditions!!!


ness said...

Ohhh, I like your tree, very pretty! I don't think you waited too long to decorate it. We put ours up too early, now I'm ready to take it down-and it's not even Christmas.

You can stop by whenever-You can get my phone # from Beth:)

Have a wonderful Christmas!


joyfuliving said...

yes! very pretty indeed! :)