Friday, October 31, 2008


So i dont think ANYONE reads this thing besides My good friend B so i am TESTING

i would like to hear everones favorite Halloween memory..or costume....and if you dont celebrate Halloween, i would like to know what was the highlight of your week....Do it...i DARE YOU:)

My favorite Halloween memory was when i dressed up as Mimi bobeck from the drew cary show when i was in 6th grade. Some girlfriends and i went around our neighborhood trick or treating and my AMAZING friends decided that they were going to play a tick on me (since im the biggest scaredy cat you will ever meet) and the hid from me when we were going through the park....sure enough someone reached out, grabbed my foot, i took off SCREAMING and ran the the closest house which happened to be my mom's friend. What i didnt realize is that while i was running all of my pillow stuff fell out of my dress, i lost a shoe, and i didnt pay attention to my friends who were chasing after me trying to calm me down. Wasnt fun at the time but now i look back on it cracking up imagining myself running through the park screaming like a mad man with pillows falling out of my dress!

Happy Halloween!


joyfuliving said...

you've been tagged! :)

Angie said...

My favorite memory was having a party with the neighbors and bobbing for apples. I think I was either a clown or a giant present that year.

See I read... :)