Thursday, July 24, 2008

Oh to be Bald!

First of all let me state that i love my son VERY much and wouldn't trade him for the world. And on that note...IF HE PULLS MY HAIR ONE MORE TIME I'M GOING TO SHAVE MY HEAD!!! yes thats right, and its not even pulling, its RIPING out my hair.....i feel bad for getting mad at him but seriously it hurts!!!!!! i try to talk to him and explain to him ( a 1yr old) how pulling hurts and its not a nice thing but what does he do??? cracks up laughing his bottom off....litterly he was farting! well now that im done venting i will go and take some Advil for my headache!

1 comment:

joyfuliving said...

i hear super glue works great! :)

sorry, i just had to. but seriously, tonight was so much fun! thanks!