Thursday, July 17, 2008

How time flys!!!

At this time 11:20 pm last year i was in the hospital anxiously awaiting my sons arrival into the world...that little stinker made me wait 30 hours!!!!!! But he was well worth the wait, as we speak right now he is asleep at my feet. he was playing with his toys and all of the sudden conked out!!!! i cant believe that he will be one tomorrow, seriously it baffles me how this year flew by. and how much our lives were changed by this little man. Before Michael i probably wouldn't smell a baby's butt just to see if he needs changed, i would have passed that opportunity quickly. I wouldn't leave my house with spit up all over me, and now i feel way to dressed up if i DON'T HAVE IT ON ME. I wouldn't spend my mornings watching Arther and Curious George cartoons but now, my morning doesn't feel complete without them! What I'm trying to say is that my life may not be as glamorous as it was before Michael but i promise you its way more rewarding with him in it! I love you baby boy and thank you for making my life full of love!!

1 comment:

joyfuliving said...

beautifully written, my dear! happy birthday miky in 16 minutes! :) we love you!