Monday, September 22, 2008


I GOT THE JOB!!!!! i actually had my first day yesterday and it went really well! The employees that i have met are super nice and it was just a good atmosphere to be in! It's such a nice change to have, to actually be excited about going to work!!! Also a cool tidbit, apparently the Gap was chosen to have Matt White come and preform in the store! How cool is that?! For those who don't know who he is, he is an artist who sounds a lot like john Mayer, just with a smidge of Pop. Good stuff!!

Now on the sick! All last week, the men in my life (my hub and son) were sick and i was doing everything possible not to catch it. But of course my family is the sharing type and around 2am this morning it hit me:( I will be alright, i just need to go to bed early tonight and take some meds and i will be hunky dorey in the morning!

i had lots more to talk about but honestly i forgot what i had to head just hurts and i want to go to bed lol


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