Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Or should i say Lack of Sleep....I'm not joking, i haven't slept since last Wednesday! and if i do, its only an hour or two a day. I'm getting to be a tad on the cranky side! I tried reading before i go to bed....doesn't work because i end up finishing EVERY book. I tried listening to my Ipod...i cant sleep with those things in my ears. I can't take anything to help me sleep because it messes with my pain basically no sleep! The only thing that calms me down is Nora Jones but try to talk your husband into listening to a jazz singer while he sleeps...seriously, try! because they will laugh at you!

1 comment:

ness said...

yikes! that's a long time without sleep! i would be cranky too. so what have you been reading that is so interesting?

i just want you to know that i have been thinking about you all the time. this is such a hard thing to go though-you are not alone.

keep on keeping us posted on how you are doing and let me know if you need anything-i would love to bring you a meal or come and play with Mikee while you {try} to sleep!
