Friday, May 30, 2008

lovely night of superman!

DA da DAAA Da NANANA it a bird, is it a plane? NO ITS SUPERMAN NIGHT AT THE KIRSTEINS:)!!!! lol alittle corny but i dig it! we had once again a great night with our friends watching some Clark Kent take on all those bad guys...good job Clark! the company was great, the kids were awesome...minus little M wasn't feeling so hot...poor girl!! We have been there done that with Michael, i wish i could have helped but no one can really, i hope that medicine helped!

After everyone left Andy and i had a game night once again of Gin and Boy oh boy was it close...but at the last hand Andy pulled through and kicked my booty! tomorrow is WAR!!!

1 comment:

joyfuliving said...

that was cute! i'm so glad that you guys are playing games again together and having good times! :)