Saturday, January 23, 2010


hey everyone,

This is going to be a hard one for me to write but i know alot of people are wondering whats going on. I'm going to keep it short because im bawling and have been for awhile now and i honestly dont want to go into details....Andy and i ended up losing the baby yesterday morning....Wednesday we found out that the baby's heartbeat dropped down to 60 (which is low) and were told to prepare to loose the baby...then Friday morning we went in to check and sure enough the baby passed away...then i ended up in emergency surgery last night..Andy and i are completely heartbroken...all the the emotions that one feels when losing a child is new to us and is hitting us hard. we appreciate all of those who have called and left messages. we really do, but at this time we are just needed to grieve in private. But please know that we appreciate the love and the concern and we wont lock ourselves in forever. The pain is fresh and right now all i can do is just bawl..which is something i like to do alone...I know i need to be strong for our son and my parents are up here helping until i can get myself calmed..this has just been a very hard week on us. Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers and we will keep u posted on us.


Theresa said...

Praying for you!!!!

Theresa Vienhage said...

Dear Heidi and Andy, So sorry about the baby. you have both got tobe strong for your other little bundle of Joy. Michael. It is sooo tough but I have faith in both of you. Just take one day at a time. That is all you can do. You are blessed each and every day. This is in gods hand now. Let me know if I can help. I am there.
We love you so very much.
ERnie, Theresa and Dillon XXXOOO

joyfuliving said...

keeping the faith for you...and always loving you.


ness said...

oh heidi, my heart aches for you. i will be praying for your healing both physically and emotionally. i am so sorry for your loss, it is a great one, i know.

you and your family will be in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.



missy said...


I'm so sorry for your loss. It just sucks...really sucks.
I just want to put out there that it's happened to me 2x and while I'm not going to say that "I know how you feel," I want you to know that it was two of the most devastating times in my life. If you ever would like to talk with me, I am here.
I am truly so sorry that this had to happen to you.