Monday, January 18, 2010

5 Reasons Why Im Authentic

Beth Tagged me to do this little diddy about listing 5 reasons why Im an Authentic Mom...So here i go!

1). I HAVE THE C SECTION AND STRETCH MARKS TO PROVE IT...or what i like to call battle scars!

2). Every time my son looks at me and smiles my heart just melts and i just want to hug him and never let goes....until its time to change a diaper...

3). If i dont have to go anywhere for the day i declare it Pajama Day. I do all my chores and and lounging around in sweats, T-shirt, and a pony tail!

4). There is just those days where the child pushes the button and i need a breather! I think being able to step aside from the situation until im calmed down helps me to handle whats going on...aka...mikee taking off his diaper and having target practice with the baby gate!

5). The Bags under my eyes...This is for the new baby...i get back AND side Paine's that really dont allow me to sleep that well...then i have to get up and use the bathroom every few hours...i guess this is the baby helping me get used to this schedule once he/she comes into this world!

With these 5 reasons, i would also add that i LOVE being mikee's mom, i wouldn't trade places with anyone. He is a blessing that has touched my heart forever and i know once this baby comes my heart will only grow!

1 comment:

joyfuliving said...


i like number 4...great insight!

thanks for sharing!
