Anyways, i was watching the Country Music awards today (DVR) and i decided that it is my goal in life to attend one show! Im a big country fan people. I think i would have a heart attack if i went. Also it was held at the MGM Hotel in Vegas and i have so been there...I hardly go anywhere so i get excited when i see places on tv where i have actually been! By the way, Lady that group!
So this weekend i was trained as a Batista for our church....3 hours later i was put in charged. I love coffee and now i can make my own..coolio!
I decided today that i am going to at least go on a walk 3 times a week...i dont care where, i dont care if mikee is with me, i just want to go on a walk, which hopefully will turn into a run later on.I want to loose weight!!! Oh and im doing bloomsday this year...anyone want to walk it with me?
Well that is the rambling of my are some pictures to make up for my nonsense!
so i think i'm going to cry when it's around you're bday and we won't be going to carrie underwood together. mention of country made me think of that. :*(
I would LOVE to have a walking partner-and what better place then around the park?!? (or to Starbucks)
I was just thinking that I need to walk more too, I'm good for about 1lap around the park when I'm by myself (because I get bored) but when I have someone to walk with and chat with the time just flies!
4 laps = 3 miles! X's 3X's a week is 12 miles-that would be GREAT! Let me know :)
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