Monday, September 8, 2008


So why are girls so darn emotional? seriously, these few days i have been like a roller coaster...happy, sad, ecstatic, outraged, than back to happy, sad...well you get the point. im not sure whats going on, and no i am not pregnant lol. Like here is an example..last night i was just sitting here checking my email and i found myself feeling really lonely! I have no reason to feel like that. I have a great husband and a beautiful son...why should i feel lonely? But non the less the feeling stuck with me all night. I confided to my husband and he did his best to get me out of my funk, and he did a good job trying, but as i laid my head down on the pillow the feeling came back...seriously being a girl sometimes just sucks. And then there was today...I got up early and played with Michael, went to the mall to run son errands, came home and had a nap, than played outside a bit with Gracin and his mom. The day was going great until one sentence changed my mood. My husband came in and asked if he could go to the movies with the guys this Saturday...Normally i would get upset like i am, but i kinda felt hurt. Just last night he asked if i would like to go out on a date this Saturday to a movie. I was excited for it, and he forgot about it. When i reminded him of it he gave me a disappointed look and turned to the guys and said "sorry guys the wife said no"....So basically i feel sad, mad, and alone, all over again. I know im probably being too emotional and over reacting right now. but thats just how i feel. Ugh!


Anonymous said...

Daniela says: maybe she`s pregnant

Heidy says: and no i am not pregnant lol.



joyfuliving said...

a smidget of advice for you little lady...maybe next time, don't count on the hubby to get you out of the funk. hubbies are great, don't get me wrong, but we all know there is only One who can get us out of funks like that. ;)

and if he goes out saturday night, just remember the great weekend you just had with him and the fam.

we need some gelato!