Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree!!!
So last night Andy and i decorated the Christmas Tree...yes i know, we did it WAY late but hey, at least we got it done before Christmas right? It was so much fun busting out all the decorations because half of them are from my childhood, including the a few from my first Christmas! Each Ornament that i received from my childhood has a story behind it. I'm grateful to my parents for starting that tradition because it brings be warm fuzzys looking at them every time! Its a tradition that i brought into my own family and i cant wait till my son gets older so i can see the excitement on his face when he remembers when he received his Superman Onesy ( this years ornament) because he has been our true blue super baby for overcoming all that he did this year! I just LOVE Christmas traditions!!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
SNOW, Snow, GO Away!
Im not trying to be scrooge but i need the snow to go away so my parents can come for Christmas!!!! Seriously, i havent had a christmas with my parents since i started dating my husband....over 4 years ago! NOT A FAN! So please now, just be nice and let them drive up!
Now onto what we have been up too....I worked till WAY late Saturday night, came home and cuddled with my men (Andy and Michael) and went to bed...So i thought i was going to bed. Michael's "cold" turned out to be way worse and they have him on a strong Anti Biotics and his cough is getting worse, plus feverish so we are giving the medicine till Tuesday to make a difference and if not we are going back in. I just paranoid because with a child who has seizure history, once a fever comes (low grade or high) it can start a string if seizures, so safe to say im on edge. Which sucks because im pretty sure i will be like this for ALL the fevers he is going to get. He's a kid, Kids get sick....i understand it, i just dont have to like it lol.
Right now Andy and i are on the couch watching Christmas Vocation with Chevy Chase. Oh the poor cat in the movie lol. Well i hope everyone is keeping warm in this crazy storm and Happy Holidays!!!
Now onto what we have been up too....I worked till WAY late Saturday night, came home and cuddled with my men (Andy and Michael) and went to bed...So i thought i was going to bed. Michael's "cold" turned out to be way worse and they have him on a strong Anti Biotics and his cough is getting worse, plus feverish so we are giving the medicine till Tuesday to make a difference and if not we are going back in. I just paranoid because with a child who has seizure history, once a fever comes (low grade or high) it can start a string if seizures, so safe to say im on edge. Which sucks because im pretty sure i will be like this for ALL the fevers he is going to get. He's a kid, Kids get sick....i understand it, i just dont have to like it lol.
Right now Andy and i are on the couch watching Christmas Vocation with Chevy Chase. Oh the poor cat in the movie lol. Well i hope everyone is keeping warm in this crazy storm and Happy Holidays!!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Poor little Man
So michael is is getting worse not better! it started off with a lil runny nose, then a cough, then to coughing up mucus, And now he has a fever and what sounds like a brocitist cough! Poor little man, i called the doctors on call nurse since of course they arnt open for safety reasons and she told me to just do dimatab and Tylenol for the fever.Its just a bad cold i hope but it just sucks to see him so down in the dumps! Anyone who knows michael knows that he is a HAM, and being quiet isnt normal lol. But on the good side, i actually get to be at home with him today. My work called and told me that they are not going to need me to come in because of the weather so i get to stay at home and cuddle him:) Cuddling is my favorite:)!!!
I hope everyone has a safe day today!!!!
I hope everyone has a safe day today!!!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
So My husband and i had a conversation yesterday that kinda made me giggle so i am going to share with you.
Do you remember when we were kids, we were PRAYING for a snow day? We just couldn't wait to get our snow gear on and hit the hills with the sleds! Welp you know your a grown up when you wake up, look out the window and moan! I seriously now understand why my dad hated snow days lol. Not just because of the responsibilities such as work, but its dangerous to drive for the few who do have to go out (my husband) in the "Big White"! But did we ever think of that when were kids? i know i didnt!! It just makes me laugh because i totally remember thinking my dad was a scrooge because he disliked snow so much and now im in agreement with him! I dont hate it, i just dont like it too much lol!

Do you remember when we were kids, we were PRAYING for a snow day? We just couldn't wait to get our snow gear on and hit the hills with the sleds! Welp you know your a grown up when you wake up, look out the window and moan! I seriously now understand why my dad hated snow days lol. Not just because of the responsibilities such as work, but its dangerous to drive for the few who do have to go out (my husband) in the "Big White"! But did we ever think of that when were kids? i know i didnt!! It just makes me laugh because i totally remember thinking my dad was a scrooge because he disliked snow so much and now im in agreement with him! I dont hate it, i just dont like it too much lol!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Fa la la
So tonight i get to go to....wait for it...wait for it....MICHAEL W. SMITH's CHRISTMAS CONCERT! oh yeah baby! So excited, it just hope i can stay awake...last night i had not just one but TWO boys to take care of until 3AM....Michael was having trouble breathing with his apnea and would wake up screaming because it scared him, And my wonderful husband would do the same...except the screaming part lol. He has apnea as well and last night was pretty bad...i kept on having to shake him to breath...doesn't sound like a great night sleep right? right! But today should be good, all i have to do is clean the house, run so errands, make dinner for the babysitter (who is pregnant, so its alil tricky because she gets sick alot), and get ready for my wonderful night of worship and Christmas cheer!.....did i mention im going to the MICHAEL W. SMITH's CHRISTMAS CONCERT!?!?!?!? oh i did? lol
Friday, December 12, 2008
Jack Frost Nipping at your nose!
So i LOVE the COLOR of beautiful it makes the whole world look.....BUT i despise driving in it lol! But on thing im excited for is that this winter we are going to take michael sledding!!!! he will of course be on a toboggan and going down with andy but i just want to have fun and let him enjoy it, for just a few minutes at least!!!! But once again let me state that driving in the snow DOES NOT WORK FOR ME!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Human or Beaver?
Human or Beaver? That is the question of the day today about my son Michael. So today we stayed home from the Guild School because michael has the on coming of a cold and the G.S rules are that even if your kid has the sniffles they ask the parents to keep them home because there are alot of kids there that if by some chance they get sick, they go straight to the hospital because their immune system are shot....but michaels fine, he's taking his medicine and is already feeling much better? You wanna know HOW i know this? Well this morning we were taking a nap. I woke up to hear his crib wiggle and him laughing and ....chomping?!? I walked into his room and found him STANDING in his crib...CHEWING on the top bar of the crib. All i could do is laugh and then he looked up with the "i know im cute" smile and starting giggling and fell down laughing! So ladies and gents....Human or Beaver?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A much needed Friend...
So it has been 6 WHOLE DAYS since i have been able to see a friend through out the whole "recovery" thing....but today Beth and her kids came and broke the "rut" that i was in! They came baring gifts as well...Lovely little J drew me a picture of a face (me) with an owie on her jaw! how cute! Also Beth BOUGHT ME A STARBUCKS!!! helllOOOOOOO coffee! SCORE! They stayed for a few hours playing and watching some Christmas specials. It was just great to see them and it lifted my "poor me" attitude! THANKS AND LOVES!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Most Amazing
So i have a new obsession. While i have been Bummed up on the couch i have found a new favorite show..."Amazing Wedding Cakes" on WEtv. This show is INSANE!! It shows how these artists/bakers come up with these WONDERFUL cakes! Seriously the show im watching now has a engagement cake of a baseball stadium that has baseballs, peanuts, and hot dogs on them on creating by sugar and cake stinking cool. I must say im jealous, and inspired to create some new goodies!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008
So it has been 4 days since the surgery and it has not been fun let me tell you...Thursday i was so nervous going in. Not because of the surgery itself, but because of those darn IV's they have to put in. I AM NOT A FAN OF NEEDLES...AT ALL!!!! but the nurse did really well and they actually have this Freeze Spray that use to numb you which is A GOD SEND to those who are terrified of needles...i didnt even feel it go in. The next thing i remember is waking up to my husband saying its time to go home...the rest of that night was a blur and than Friday came around...not a good day! the pain came on SOOO fast and then started the throwing up. When you just finished having teeth and jaw surgery and its hard for you to even smiling, just imagine the pain it brings for when you have to actually open your mouth for 2 days straight to throw up...not a fan, nope not at all. But through the bad the good shines through...aka MY MOTHER! My wonderful, beautiful, caring, helpful mother drove up from Oregon to save the day. She was amazing. She cleaned, she cooked, she held my hair back, took care of my son, she was supermom through and through. Im so lucky to have her for my mom! Today has been a better day, havent puked so thats a plus, and i was able to go out to target for an still swollen like a chipmunk and i got heat flashes and very dizzy...but it felt so good to get out of the house. I went and bought andy's Christmas gift and some Christmas decorations for the house and my mom spoiled me with some lip gloss and a coffee...have i mentioned that i love her? Tonight is my last night for painkillers (im cutting myself off) because i dont want to become dependent on them, plus my husband has to work tomorrow so i need to take care of michael and there is no way i need to be on them and take care of him at the same good ol ibuprofen has to do!
wish me luck!
wish me luck!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
So tomorrow i have surgery on my mouth! Turns out that my jaw is infected due to my wisdom teeth. It spreaded from my tooth to my huh?! So this time tomorrow i will be a human chipmunk! YAY!!!! lol so bloggers out there please post great stories because i will be reading!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
TIS THE SEASON TO.....TAKE ALOT OF PICTURE:)!!! So i need your help, i am going to be posting a few pictures through out the week and i need your help on what should be the Christmas card one. ALSO i came up with an idea for a small scrapbook album and i need alittle help on it. Its called "Mikey's 12 days of Christmas"..Each day is going to have a theme but i need help coming up with them so let me have them people!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
So i went to the doctors because i have been feeling some weird things going on...migrains..pain in the legs then going nub...ya know...not the fun stuff. Plus i needed to get set up with a new OB because im basically terrified to go through the same doctor as before given what happened with michael. Not that im blaming the doctor for michaels outcome, i just didnt feel like we were listened too or taken care of. Anyways the wonderful new doctor told me that one of the reasons that my body acting up is because i need a diet and a vacation...haha it sounds funny typing it out...but this is serious stuff. She said that i am too busy taking care of everyone else that im forgetting about little ol me. Which is true but i am a mom, its my job to take care of everyone! and i think all mom's out there will agree that you put your family first before your own needs...its habit. But i do agree with her 100% on my health. i have gain weight and i do need to start taking better care of myself...its just actually finding time to do so! But its a must in order for my body to get healthier so here is my plea for help....Is there any healthy recipes that you guys know of that are realistic (im not Betty crocker ladies) and some exercising ideas that you can give me? I don't belong to a gym and i can't afford one so any and all ideas will be much appreciated! THANKS AND WISH ME LUCK! TOMORROW IS DAY ONE!!!! (and yes i will blog about my weight will be good motivation!)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
thought that i would blog that since i was a downer yesterday! i just needed at family day with nothing to do and no stress! All we did was be lazy and watch the zag's game at my aunts house for alittle bit. and now we are home just about to pop some pop corn and watch WALL-E:)
Have a good night! and sorry for my mood last night!
thought that i would blog that since i was a downer yesterday! i just needed at family day with nothing to do and no stress! All we did was be lazy and watch the zag's game at my aunts house for alittle bit. and now we are home just about to pop some pop corn and watch WALL-E:)
Have a good night! and sorry for my mood last night!
Friday, November 14, 2008
When it rains..
It pours!
seriously why is it that in order to have a good day you must have a month of bad? thats what it feels like...or when you feel like you are having a good day, you come home and find out that you were supposed to be somewhere and that you had no idea and now you feel like you let people your fun day turned out not so good. i need a whole 24 hrs of a good day. just one! PLEASE!
seriously why is it that in order to have a good day you must have a month of bad? thats what it feels like...or when you feel like you are having a good day, you come home and find out that you were supposed to be somewhere and that you had no idea and now you feel like you let people your fun day turned out not so good. i need a whole 24 hrs of a good day. just one! PLEASE!
Monday, November 10, 2008
this movie was FABULOUS! yes alittle bit on the corny side when it comes to the acting, BUT the message that this movie sends will touch the hearts of everyone in the room. I think it should be a prerequisite for all engaged couples before they get married...and a annual movie for all of us who are already married. You can have one of the best marriages but i guarantee that you will get something out of it!
this movie was FABULOUS! yes alittle bit on the corny side when it comes to the acting, BUT the message that this movie sends will touch the hearts of everyone in the room. I think it should be a prerequisite for all engaged couples before they get married...and a annual movie for all of us who are already married. You can have one of the best marriages but i guarantee that you will get something out of it!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
holiday fever!
before i type this feeling out i just want to say it only lasted for 5 please dont yell at me and call me crazy...i already know its true!
That being said...this morning i was laying in bed when the feeling of Christmas joy overcame me! As i laid there, i was actually HOPING FOR SNOW (this is where you hold back your yelling, i crazy!) Im not even joking. I wanted snow, i wanted apple cider, i wanted my Christmas cookies! So yes i was overjoyed with warm cozies...then i got out of bed to no snow, not cider, no cookies...just to a dirty diaper and a very vocal baby! Awww the blessings in life:)
That being said...this morning i was laying in bed when the feeling of Christmas joy overcame me! As i laid there, i was actually HOPING FOR SNOW (this is where you hold back your yelling, i crazy!) Im not even joking. I wanted snow, i wanted apple cider, i wanted my Christmas cookies! So yes i was overjoyed with warm cozies...then i got out of bed to no snow, not cider, no cookies...just to a dirty diaper and a very vocal baby! Awww the blessings in life:)
Friday, November 7, 2008
Cookie Tantrum!!!
I know i said i was going to go to bed BUT i had to come on here and share about the "cookie" tantrum that my son just had!!!
So my wonderful husband decided to make us some home made chocolate chip cookies...YUM ...anyways i was holding michael on my lap while i took a bite of a cookie and of course my son wanted a try and being the push over that i am i let him take a bite...well one bite, turned into the whole cookie...when i grabbed another for myself and only myself, michael decided that he was going to get all cutsie and cuddly to try to get another bite...but once he realize the cookie was "all gone"....HE FLIPPED! he started yelling, crying, and kicking his legs....seriously all andy and I could do was LAUGH. This was the first time we have seen this...yes he has cried for a bottle or to be held...but not for something small like was HILARIOUS! Once we muffled our laugh Andy took michael and told him that fits weren't acceptable and that his tude needed to change, you know, the dad thing.
But im still cracking up about the tantrum...he looked hilarious! oh boy....
So my wonderful husband decided to make us some home made chocolate chip cookies...YUM ...anyways i was holding michael on my lap while i took a bite of a cookie and of course my son wanted a try and being the push over that i am i let him take a bite...well one bite, turned into the whole cookie...when i grabbed another for myself and only myself, michael decided that he was going to get all cutsie and cuddly to try to get another bite...but once he realize the cookie was "all gone"....HE FLIPPED! he started yelling, crying, and kicking his legs....seriously all andy and I could do was LAUGH. This was the first time we have seen this...yes he has cried for a bottle or to be held...but not for something small like was HILARIOUS! Once we muffled our laugh Andy took michael and told him that fits weren't acceptable and that his tude needed to change, you know, the dad thing.
But im still cracking up about the tantrum...he looked hilarious! oh boy....
The Wonderful World of Hallmark!
Tonight was the Christmas open house at Hallmark. For those who know me...I LOVES ME SOME HALLMARK! Beth, her girls, and I (Michael was at home with daddy) loaded up, Grabbed some starbucks (of course) and headed into the store...THEY EVEN HAD A RED CARPET OUT FOR THEIR GUEST! Being an open house you would think that they would have some great offers, but they didnt...i was alittle bit disappointed but hey...I was still in Hallmark! It's funny...every time beth and i go shopping we always have a routine we do...starbucks first, then once we go into the stores we circle around all the walls and then go into the "gut" of the store...we do this at EVERY STORE...and you know what? I LOVE IT! i like having a pattern set so we dont miss anything...avid shoppers we are!
As of right now andy and i are crashed in the living room which needs a GOOD CLEANING...andy and i are slobs i blogging, he's reading, and Michael is asleep. I so badly want to shut my eyes and go to sleep but i haven't had any alone time with my husband this whole week and i so desperately want to be able to stay up and watch a movie, or play cards but i think im slowly and surely headed for bed...Im so lame!!!
Goodnight all!
As of right now andy and i are crashed in the living room which needs a GOOD CLEANING...andy and i are slobs i blogging, he's reading, and Michael is asleep. I so badly want to shut my eyes and go to sleep but i haven't had any alone time with my husband this whole week and i so desperately want to be able to stay up and watch a movie, or play cards but i think im slowly and surely headed for bed...Im so lame!!!
Goodnight all!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
I got Tagged!
So miss B decided to tag me, so here is my random seven:
One: I make up dance routines in my head while im listening to music
Two: I love grocery shopping by myself with a Starbucks in hand. SO RELAXING!
Three: Im scared of the dark...always need a light on unless my husband is with me!
Four: Would love to go to obsessed with it day
Five: Wish that i lived in a small quaint a hallmark town!
Six: Wish i had the power to pause time, it goes by too fast
Seven: Not that confidant about myself...something i need to work on
So there you go, there is my basically i dont know who to tag, the peoples blogs who i read i dont think they read mine, and they have already done it, SOOO if you haven't, and your reading this...TAG your it!
One: I make up dance routines in my head while im listening to music
Two: I love grocery shopping by myself with a Starbucks in hand. SO RELAXING!
Three: Im scared of the dark...always need a light on unless my husband is with me!
Four: Would love to go to obsessed with it day
Five: Wish that i lived in a small quaint a hallmark town!
Six: Wish i had the power to pause time, it goes by too fast
Seven: Not that confidant about myself...something i need to work on
So there you go, there is my basically i dont know who to tag, the peoples blogs who i read i dont think they read mine, and they have already done it, SOOO if you haven't, and your reading this...TAG your it!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Saturday love
Saturday morning i woke up to a phone call indicating that i didnt have to go into work that morning...i had two reactions "Darn, we need the money" and second "WHOO HOO Family day!"...the second feeling stuck around way longer:). This past Saturday was the FIRST FULL KIRSTEIN FAMILY DAY that we have had in months. What did we do you may ask?
First we cuddled in the bed, THE WHOLE FAMILY, deciding what to do. I had a bowl of chex mix and michael had his oatmeal, while my husband layed out on the couch reading his comic books and watching spiderman (which is sacrilegious considering he is a diehard superman fan)! After we finished our morning laziness we got ourselves ready to go the mall to do some much needed shoe shopping for the hub. Once we arrived, my amazing husband surprised me with a coffee from Barns and Nobel. Toasted Marshmallow Mocha baby! SOOO GOOD!!!! Anyways we poked around the mall for a few hours, Got a calendar, Andy's shoes, Some Cd's from Christan supply and of course don't forget my coffee! After the mall we stopped by Andy's store to pick up the "Get Smart" movie than Onward home for the kirsteins.
Once we arrived home we put our sack of potatoes (our son) down for a nap while andy and i just read, played on the computer, and watch some tv. Boy were we relaxed!! The rest of the night was like that, just being lazy BUMS and playing cards! Seriously i would trade all my weekdays, EVEN MY COFFEE, for more days like that!
First we cuddled in the bed, THE WHOLE FAMILY, deciding what to do. I had a bowl of chex mix and michael had his oatmeal, while my husband layed out on the couch reading his comic books and watching spiderman (which is sacrilegious considering he is a diehard superman fan)! After we finished our morning laziness we got ourselves ready to go the mall to do some much needed shoe shopping for the hub. Once we arrived, my amazing husband surprised me with a coffee from Barns and Nobel. Toasted Marshmallow Mocha baby! SOOO GOOD!!!! Anyways we poked around the mall for a few hours, Got a calendar, Andy's shoes, Some Cd's from Christan supply and of course don't forget my coffee! After the mall we stopped by Andy's store to pick up the "Get Smart" movie than Onward home for the kirsteins.
Once we arrived home we put our sack of potatoes (our son) down for a nap while andy and i just read, played on the computer, and watch some tv. Boy were we relaxed!! The rest of the night was like that, just being lazy BUMS and playing cards! Seriously i would trade all my weekdays, EVEN MY COFFEE, for more days like that!
Friday, October 31, 2008
So i dont think ANYONE reads this thing besides My good friend B so i am TESTING
i would like to hear everones favorite Halloween memory..or costume....and if you dont celebrate Halloween, i would like to know what was the highlight of your week....Do it...i DARE YOU:)
My favorite Halloween memory was when i dressed up as Mimi bobeck from the drew cary show when i was in 6th grade. Some girlfriends and i went around our neighborhood trick or treating and my AMAZING friends decided that they were going to play a tick on me (since im the biggest scaredy cat you will ever meet) and the hid from me when we were going through the park....sure enough someone reached out, grabbed my foot, i took off SCREAMING and ran the the closest house which happened to be my mom's friend. What i didnt realize is that while i was running all of my pillow stuff fell out of my dress, i lost a shoe, and i didnt pay attention to my friends who were chasing after me trying to calm me down. Wasnt fun at the time but now i look back on it cracking up imagining myself running through the park screaming like a mad man with pillows falling out of my dress!
Happy Halloween!
i would like to hear everones favorite Halloween memory..or costume....and if you dont celebrate Halloween, i would like to know what was the highlight of your week....Do it...i DARE YOU:)
My favorite Halloween memory was when i dressed up as Mimi bobeck from the drew cary show when i was in 6th grade. Some girlfriends and i went around our neighborhood trick or treating and my AMAZING friends decided that they were going to play a tick on me (since im the biggest scaredy cat you will ever meet) and the hid from me when we were going through the park....sure enough someone reached out, grabbed my foot, i took off SCREAMING and ran the the closest house which happened to be my mom's friend. What i didnt realize is that while i was running all of my pillow stuff fell out of my dress, i lost a shoe, and i didnt pay attention to my friends who were chasing after me trying to calm me down. Wasnt fun at the time but now i look back on it cracking up imagining myself running through the park screaming like a mad man with pillows falling out of my dress!
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Hey All!
Sorry that it has been awhile since i have last blogged. Things have been a tid bit crazy around here. Buying a house, Working, Having sickies in the household...its truly been kinda INSANE!
The reason why i am on here right now is that im just asking for some prayers for my son and my family. We just got the call this afternoon that the doctors want to put michael through some tests that kinda scare me. I can't tell you the official name of this test but they put a needle through his leg muscle while he is awake and send shocks through it (like a static shock) to see if his muscles contract. Basically they are looking at how his muscles function because they are worried about a few things...they are thinking that the brain waves are registering to his muscles..Im just freaking out not because of the outcome of the scared of the actual test itself....i just pray that he doesnt feel pain and that it wont send him into seizures...luckily, Michal's guardian/aunt/my best friend is coming with me to sit in the office to make sure i dont have a break down (thank you ahead of time Beth!) My son is a strong boy, stronger than i could ever be and i know he is in God's embrace and that he will guide him through the test...i just wish we were all done with the tests!
Sorry that it has been awhile since i have last blogged. Things have been a tid bit crazy around here. Buying a house, Working, Having sickies in the household...its truly been kinda INSANE!
The reason why i am on here right now is that im just asking for some prayers for my son and my family. We just got the call this afternoon that the doctors want to put michael through some tests that kinda scare me. I can't tell you the official name of this test but they put a needle through his leg muscle while he is awake and send shocks through it (like a static shock) to see if his muscles contract. Basically they are looking at how his muscles function because they are worried about a few things...they are thinking that the brain waves are registering to his muscles..Im just freaking out not because of the outcome of the scared of the actual test itself....i just pray that he doesnt feel pain and that it wont send him into seizures...luckily, Michal's guardian/aunt/my best friend is coming with me to sit in the office to make sure i dont have a break down (thank you ahead of time Beth!) My son is a strong boy, stronger than i could ever be and i know he is in God's embrace and that he will guide him through the test...i just wish we were all done with the tests!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
So i really dont know how i should titlethis so im just going to leave it blank.
When i woke up this morning, i would have never guess that tonight would end up so emotional and convicting for me. Its just sad that it took a friend's misfortune and positive life radio to help me to come realize some things.
This is hard for me to type because i honestly dont like to admit my mistakes and emotions to people, most of the time i try to pretend like nothing is wrong but what is that solving?...NOTHING. So this blog is going to be a reminder on what i, Heidi, need to work on.
1) Being judgmental....Tonight i was talking to a friend about T.V. Christians.. you know what im talking about...the Christians on T.V. shows like "wife swap" that are so far out there in left Field that it gives us Christians a bad we were going on about how we hate about how people get their guards up with us when they learn that we walk with the Lord that it hit me..Us Christians....well, I do, i can't speak for everyone just the same. I honestly have stopped talking to people once i found out that they were huge drinkers, or that they dont believe in the Lord, or even if they look Gothic..i probably wouldn't really make an effort to get to know them. What kind of message does that send to non believers? Im lucky that i had found my way to the Lord but just because i have doesnt make me any better than the next person. I sin. You sin. we all sin. The only perfect one is God himself. What i am trying to say is that i can love the sinner but hate the sin. Just because they do something doesnt mean im going to do it. Im a grown woman and i know the difference between whats right and wrong....but Maybe i have pushed a friendship away when in all reality I could have let the Lord use me to help bring them closer to him. I know i need to surround myself with God's word, i totally agree on that...but that doesnt mean i can't reach out to those who dont know him yet. If i judge them, then im no different from those who judge us....
2) Being Fake.....I hate acting like everything is hunky dory fine when really inside im just having a bad day. If i want to cry...i should cry! if i feel like dancing around like a craze lunatic....why not just do it? As my son grows i want him to feel like he can be himself.. how am i going to teach him that if i cant do the same thing?
and now
3) i have no patients. How do i expect others to have patients with me when i can show them the same respect!
As you can see i have done alot of thinking tonight and i feel good about what i came up with and i am excited to act on what i need to change!!!!
When i woke up this morning, i would have never guess that tonight would end up so emotional and convicting for me. Its just sad that it took a friend's misfortune and positive life radio to help me to come realize some things.
This is hard for me to type because i honestly dont like to admit my mistakes and emotions to people, most of the time i try to pretend like nothing is wrong but what is that solving?...NOTHING. So this blog is going to be a reminder on what i, Heidi, need to work on.
1) Being judgmental....Tonight i was talking to a friend about T.V. Christians.. you know what im talking about...the Christians on T.V. shows like "wife swap" that are so far out there in left Field that it gives us Christians a bad we were going on about how we hate about how people get their guards up with us when they learn that we walk with the Lord that it hit me..Us Christians....well, I do, i can't speak for everyone just the same. I honestly have stopped talking to people once i found out that they were huge drinkers, or that they dont believe in the Lord, or even if they look Gothic..i probably wouldn't really make an effort to get to know them. What kind of message does that send to non believers? Im lucky that i had found my way to the Lord but just because i have doesnt make me any better than the next person. I sin. You sin. we all sin. The only perfect one is God himself. What i am trying to say is that i can love the sinner but hate the sin. Just because they do something doesnt mean im going to do it. Im a grown woman and i know the difference between whats right and wrong....but Maybe i have pushed a friendship away when in all reality I could have let the Lord use me to help bring them closer to him. I know i need to surround myself with God's word, i totally agree on that...but that doesnt mean i can't reach out to those who dont know him yet. If i judge them, then im no different from those who judge us....
2) Being Fake.....I hate acting like everything is hunky dory fine when really inside im just having a bad day. If i want to cry...i should cry! if i feel like dancing around like a craze lunatic....why not just do it? As my son grows i want him to feel like he can be himself.. how am i going to teach him that if i cant do the same thing?
and now
3) i have no patients. How do i expect others to have patients with me when i can show them the same respect!
As you can see i have done alot of thinking tonight and i feel good about what i came up with and i am excited to act on what i need to change!!!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
God's Whisper
So tonight has been a VERY productive night...we played with Michael, watched ghostbusters (for those who dont know about the movie, its a 80's movie with lots of slime and dan achroid), made chocolate chip cookies All while being on the phone taking care some personal matters involving house issues. Now im not going to go into detail about the issue but i am SOO happy that everything worked out for the best and that God used my dear friend BAM* as a voice. Somehow she decided to go on google today to research some things and that move right there pretty much saved my family from some tough times ahead! Thank you my Bam Bam! love ya!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Here is a question, What is your favorite smell? Mine is homemade cookies, and sweet tart candles...which i burned tonight! i seriously love candles, if it wasnt a fair hazard they would be burning all day and all night!!! They can transform the feeling in your home with their aroma! Well now that i have shared tidbit for the day its your turn! Ready...Set...GO!
Monday, October 6, 2008
So let me explain my title...because i have GREAT news but also sad at the same time. The great news is that the Lord blessed my lil family with a new home! We woke up Sunday and decided that "ho hum lets go buy a house today!" Now this is where the bitter part comes to play, This home is also the home of my son's guardians and our best friends. Now if im being honest, i am guilty of hoping that they would stay here instead of taking their great adventure that God has planed for them...but i know that God's will is WAY more powerful than my want, lol go figure!
Now to some other news....
Now to some other news....
As i was checking my friend's blog i realized that there are some of you who are wondering who i am! Welp, i will try to let you have a better understanding. My Name is Heidi, Im a wife of a wonderful husband and a mommy of a beautiful boy. I LOVE ME SOME STARBUCKS!!! Dance is a must in my life. Feel Good movies are my favorites. Gelato is heavenly. Romantic at heart. I dork it up with the best of them, I crave to be closer to the Lord always and cuddling on the couch with the hub hub watching our shows is the best ending of a hetic day!
I hope that clears up "who is mama-k" for you all:)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Warm Cozies!
As i sit down on the computer a question comes to mind..."what to blog, what to blog?". I sat here thinking through my day and when i was the happiest and this is what i came up with...
Every Thursday night my lil family have superman night with some dear friends. This is a fab tradition which i literally married into because my husband and our friends were going strong LONG before i ever came into the picture lol! Thursday night isn't just to watch some guy zip around saving the day in tights (superman), it is two families coming together in fellowship and love. Tonight was extra special to me. I had just finished a very hard and draining day and the moment i walked into our friends' house i honestly felt immersed with comfort and love. I can honestly sit here and say that i felt all my worries and stress melt. Everything was so inviting...the smell of waffles baking, children playing, and friends laughing....what else could i ask for. People sadly go through life never really having that feeling of acceptance and love. Im lucky, i get to feel it everyday!!! Thank you!
Some more exciting news is that i am leaving for a woman's retreat tomorrow night after work. Please do not ask me where because i can't tell you. No, really, i don't know where it's at. I just signed up and said "whoo hoo"! It's by a lake and that's about all she wrote. Im car pooling with some ladies from church who went last year so i am in good hands! Im just sad that im leaving my husband and son, But God will take care of them while im away playing!
Every Thursday night my lil family have superman night with some dear friends. This is a fab tradition which i literally married into because my husband and our friends were going strong LONG before i ever came into the picture lol! Thursday night isn't just to watch some guy zip around saving the day in tights (superman), it is two families coming together in fellowship and love. Tonight was extra special to me. I had just finished a very hard and draining day and the moment i walked into our friends' house i honestly felt immersed with comfort and love. I can honestly sit here and say that i felt all my worries and stress melt. Everything was so inviting...the smell of waffles baking, children playing, and friends laughing....what else could i ask for. People sadly go through life never really having that feeling of acceptance and love. Im lucky, i get to feel it everyday!!! Thank you!
Some more exciting news is that i am leaving for a woman's retreat tomorrow night after work. Please do not ask me where because i can't tell you. No, really, i don't know where it's at. I just signed up and said "whoo hoo"! It's by a lake and that's about all she wrote. Im car pooling with some ladies from church who went last year so i am in good hands! Im just sad that im leaving my husband and son, But God will take care of them while im away playing!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
House of Sickies!
Ah tis the season of the flu! I woke up this morning feeling good as new, I thought everyone did until 11Am hit. Michael started to bawl, then throw up, and then the fever hit! poor boy has been miserable ever since! He is now on his 3rd nap which isn't normal for him. BUT on the brighter side..HE IS SEIZURE FREE! I just got the phone call today!! i was in shock for a second than i started to tear up! That's the first time ever that he has had those test results have came back to back!!! i honestly think he is free of it now! That God has lifted the seizures away from him! Only God is able to do that, not doctors, not Andy and I, Just the Lord and i am SOOOO thankful for that!
Monday, September 22, 2008
I GOT THE JOB!!!!! i actually had my first day yesterday and it went really well! The employees that i have met are super nice and it was just a good atmosphere to be in! It's such a nice change to have, to actually be excited about going to work!!! Also a cool tidbit, apparently the Gap was chosen to have Matt White come and preform in the store! How cool is that?! For those who don't know who he is, he is an artist who sounds a lot like john Mayer, just with a smidge of Pop. Good stuff!!
Now on the sick! All last week, the men in my life (my hub and son) were sick and i was doing everything possible not to catch it. But of course my family is the sharing type and around 2am this morning it hit me:( I will be alright, i just need to go to bed early tonight and take some meds and i will be hunky dorey in the morning!
i had lots more to talk about but honestly i forgot what i had to head just hurts and i want to go to bed lol
Now on the sick! All last week, the men in my life (my hub and son) were sick and i was doing everything possible not to catch it. But of course my family is the sharing type and around 2am this morning it hit me:( I will be alright, i just need to go to bed early tonight and take some meds and i will be hunky dorey in the morning!
i had lots more to talk about but honestly i forgot what i had to head just hurts and i want to go to bed lol
Monday, September 15, 2008
Keep your fingers crossed!
Hey 'all!
Today was a great day! I went into the Gap downtown looking around and turns out they are hiring! YAY for me! For those who don't know im very sick of American eagle and things that are going on there so i have been looking for a new job. I turned in a app and they asked me to come in tomorrow for an interview! Im praying that i get this job. More hours, family friendly, close to home, good deal huh?Well below are some pictures from a day at the park! Good times!

Today was a great day! I went into the Gap downtown looking around and turns out they are hiring! YAY for me! For those who don't know im very sick of American eagle and things that are going on there so i have been looking for a new job. I turned in a app and they asked me to come in tomorrow for an interview! Im praying that i get this job. More hours, family friendly, close to home, good deal huh?Well below are some pictures from a day at the park! Good times!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Today was a day to start new! This morning we woke up for Michael's E.E.G. at 5:45 AM (i was half dead)..As we headed to the hospital i was calm which is a huge deal because usually i am in tears, feeling nauseous, but not today. We went to Starbucks and faced the hospital strong. I honestly feel like that will be the last E.E.G for Michael for a LONG time. He is going to be great and the tests will come out great:) I just know it!
Now for the second changed. I am Smarter ladies and gents. yes, that's right, I'm a Brunette now:) Today i decided that i was bored with my blond and i went dark....REALLY dark! Its a shock when i look in the mirror but i love it! And what makes me feel even better is that Andy loves it! I was alittle worried about that since last time i changed my color he wasn't really a fan! lol.
And now for what i think might be the biggest change....we are seriously considering buying a house. Now this isn't just any house. This is a home where a great family lives. We actually spend every other Thursday in the home. I know that i can call this place home. Its warm, cozy, in a great place and i know that the family there now put their whole heart into this home. Its blessed. When Andy and i got home from our superman night we sat down and had a serious talk and we came to the same conclusion...that we need to start making some phone calls. We love the idea and the home, the only thing that we need to check is to make sure we can afford it month to month, AND to make sure everything works out with our lease here at the apartments. We will starting to make the calls tomorrow. We know that if the Lord wants us to have this house everything will work out for everyone!
All in all, change is grand! and it has been a whopper of a day!!!
Now for the second changed. I am Smarter ladies and gents. yes, that's right, I'm a Brunette now:) Today i decided that i was bored with my blond and i went dark....REALLY dark! Its a shock when i look in the mirror but i love it! And what makes me feel even better is that Andy loves it! I was alittle worried about that since last time i changed my color he wasn't really a fan! lol.
And now for what i think might be the biggest change....we are seriously considering buying a house. Now this isn't just any house. This is a home where a great family lives. We actually spend every other Thursday in the home. I know that i can call this place home. Its warm, cozy, in a great place and i know that the family there now put their whole heart into this home. Its blessed. When Andy and i got home from our superman night we sat down and had a serious talk and we came to the same conclusion...that we need to start making some phone calls. We love the idea and the home, the only thing that we need to check is to make sure we can afford it month to month, AND to make sure everything works out with our lease here at the apartments. We will starting to make the calls tomorrow. We know that if the Lord wants us to have this house everything will work out for everyone!
All in all, change is grand! and it has been a whopper of a day!!!
So at 11:30pm LAST NIGHT we received a knock on our door. Andy and i immediately looked at each other with amazement that someone would actually be bothering us at that time at night! Of course i made my husband open the door and to his surprise and mine we found two 19 year old girls on the other side. I do not know them, Andy does not know them, but apparently they wanted to get to know my HUSBAND...not me! I was in the living room when i heard them talking and my i went to the door once i heard the girls voices, and flirting with Andy, so you bet they were shocked when they saw me come to the door. The look on there faces were like "oh darn!". I was nice and continued to talk to them and offered my hand to meet them and that's when the warnings in my belly went off. The girls started asking questions about our apartment. One of the girls actually kept on trying to come in but i told her she couldn't....but she kept on inching in so i blocked her. They started to ask questions like "wow is this a new doorknob?", ""wow are those new appliances?, and ect. They were leaning into our house trying to get a look around. Not cool. That was the second warning in my tummy.... I tried to shut the door but my husband asked them why they came knocking on our door and they said, "well we live in the apartments next to our complex and they saw your lights on and decided to come say hi" order to see our lights on they would have to be standing OUTSIDE our window on our street....where there are no apartments in the middle of the road...warning number 3! Seriously they would have to be standing outside to look in, i may understand it if they were walking, but they drove there car here so makes no sense. Than they started to ask if we had kids and if anyone else in the apartments had kids...maybe they were trying to do small talk..but come on one in the right mind comes knocking on ANTONE'S door at 11:30 PM. I felt like they were scoping out Andy, our apartment, and they were asking too many questions so i literly said by and shut the door. This morning i called the landlord to let them know because something didn't feel right...could be paranoid. I hope im just paranoid. But better safe the sorry! And if they come back late at night, THEY ARE GOING TO BE SORRY. i wont be that nice lol?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Why oh Why
Sleep...its a BEAUTIFUL thing. Dont you just love to cuddle up in bed, shut your eyes and dream? I know i do, but lately my little T-rex wont allow this to happen? He will sleep for only 25 minutes during the day and when he is awake he screams...i tried feeding, singing, changing, rocking, playing, teething tablets..anything and everything and nothing seems to work. So im Kinda wondering it could be a ear infection...good thing we are going to the doctors tomorrow.Love my son, Love my why cant they love each other? lol.
Monday, September 8, 2008
So why are girls so darn emotional? seriously, these few days i have been like a roller coaster...happy, sad, ecstatic, outraged, than back to happy, sad...well you get the point. im not sure whats going on, and no i am not pregnant lol. Like here is an example..last night i was just sitting here checking my email and i found myself feeling really lonely! I have no reason to feel like that. I have a great husband and a beautiful son...why should i feel lonely? But non the less the feeling stuck with me all night. I confided to my husband and he did his best to get me out of my funk, and he did a good job trying, but as i laid my head down on the pillow the feeling came back...seriously being a girl sometimes just sucks. And then there was today...I got up early and played with Michael, went to the mall to run son errands, came home and had a nap, than played outside a bit with Gracin and his mom. The day was going great until one sentence changed my mood. My husband came in and asked if he could go to the movies with the guys this Saturday...Normally i would get upset like i am, but i kinda felt hurt. Just last night he asked if i would like to go out on a date this Saturday to a movie. I was excited for it, and he forgot about it. When i reminded him of it he gave me a disappointed look and turned to the guys and said "sorry guys the wife said no"....So basically i feel sad, mad, and alone, all over again. I know im probably being too emotional and over reacting right now. but thats just how i feel. Ugh!
Here comes the sunshine:)
Last Friday my husband decided that we should pack up and 'runaway' to the boathouse! Oh how do i love that man! The trip was amazing. Beautiful naps, yummy food, card games and some awesome weather! Not to mention the company wasn't to bad either (my parents). I must say i felt quite spoiled, i got to spend not one but TWO weekends with my parents! YAY for me!

Monday, September 1, 2008
Wonderful weekend of Parents!!!
This Labor Day Weekend was a success if i do say so! My Parents came down from good ol' Oregon and had a jam packed weekend of shopping and love!! Sunday we went to lunch at Tomato Street and michael pretty much ate everything my dad ordered. we are talking about lasagna, tomato basil soup, garlic bread and water...yeah that made for a REAL good blow out (diaper) that night (which he was forced to change)! Than michael went with my hubby and dad while mother and i went off on our way to Khols in the valley. We got there at 3 and we didnt leave till 7pm so just imagine how much fun we had. Than later that night we had dinner and settled in for a movie. Today the whole family (minus andy) went BACK TO KHOLS to finish our shopping, we spent another 2 hours there! That store has officially became my favorite!!! Than we to post falls to the Ashley's Furniture store so my parents could go crazy and redecorate their house and boy did they have fun! Once we were done with shopping we relaxed for a few hours, talked, ate lunch, than it was time for some sad goodbyes:( Tonight andy's family, michael, jack, and i went to the Indians game...WHAT FUN!! we were dancing, clapping and cheering. Michael LOVED IT! Now we are home exhausted from a busy weekend and ready to pass out, But before you do i would like to ask for some prayers, Last night andy's uncle Bob Died of a heart attack. Andy and his mother were close to Bob and it has been hard for them. Please just keep them in your prayers and help them to know that Uncle Bob is in a great place. Thanks and Loves!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
work and wonderful sundays!
alright! For those who read my last blog i was quite upset. What happened was that there was a girl at work who for some reason decided to go to management and accused me of some things that wernt not going to get into in full detail on here because it will just get me more mad and i don't want to end a good day on that note...but here is what i did in the situation...i went to the management...along with the girl who told me about all of this because i dont want to play the "he said, she said" game, and i stood up for myself. I did it respectfully, calm, but i made my point. I thought the meeting went well, i was proud of myself...untill i started my shift...thats when i found out that there is going to be a meeting about me on Monday...that my manager thinks i cause too much drama, that the girl who told me got into trouble because she stood up for me...and the girl who caused this WHOLE mess was getting sympathy because she was so upset and made a huge deal about it at work. But i held my head up and i just went in there and did my job. i don't regret standing up for myself and my character. so there is a meeting going on about me and this girl tomorrow and im pretty sure im going to be the one who either gets fired or cut back on hours...i know that its God's will whatever will happen so im scared but i know what i did was the right thing.....Now for some good news:)
Today was AMAZING! We started the day with Church in the park and a rousing game of kickball:) It was a blast let me tell ya! Then afterwards we went to my in-laws for some dinner, nap and Michael's first haircut! Im not joking, he looks like a little man!! SO CUTE!!!! plus i got to take a nap!!!! We then finished the night playing a game of gen....I WON!!!! oh yes!!!
Yesterday was a downer but today made up for it:)
Today was AMAZING! We started the day with Church in the park and a rousing game of kickball:) It was a blast let me tell ya! Then afterwards we went to my in-laws for some dinner, nap and Michael's first haircut! Im not joking, he looks like a little man!! SO CUTE!!!! plus i got to take a nap!!!! We then finished the night playing a game of gen....I WON!!!! oh yes!!!
Yesterday was a downer but today made up for it:)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
SO im going to work today and while im there im confronting my boss and a girl on some rumors that seriously make disrespects scared because im not sure how I will act in it...all i know is that if it doesnt work out im going to quit. Before i do that i need to make sure i hear all sides of it, so please pray for me to have patients, and the right wording....because last night i didnt, last night i was so angry i was shaking...and i dont want to be like that today. Thanks!
Monday, August 18, 2008
This and that
What is in the back seat of your car right now? The question is, what ISNT in my backseat!
Name 3 people who made you smile today?Michael, Andy, and gracin
What were you doing at 8:30 this morning? Feeding the lil man
What were you doing 30 minutes ago? I was at the bank baby
Favorite board game? I like Crainium
Have you ever been to a strip club? Sad to say i have, it was WAY back in my wild and crazy days
What is the last thing you said out loud? Shuush sweetie
What is the best ice cream flavor? I like the Germanchocolatecake from COLD STONE
What was the last thing you had to drink? umm creme soda
What are you wearing right now? Black dress with leggings
What was the last thing you ate? Pita Pit
Have you bought any new clothing items this week? that would be a negative
When was the last time you ran? oh who knows....thats sad
What's the last sporting event you watched? Wrestling...not my choice!
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? France
Have you ever lost anything down a toilet? Lots of things when i was pregnant
Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot? not really
Do you drink your soda from a straw?Yea
What did your last text message say?Just come in
Are you someone's best friend? You know it!
What are you doing tomorrow? BUNKO with the church ladies:)
Where is your mom right now?At the boathouse in this storm...sad..
Look to your left, what do you see? Jack watching tv and dan burping michael
What color is your watch?I dispise watches..
What do you think of when you think of Australia?Kangaroos
Ever ridden on a roller coaster?Yes
Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?mostly drive through, depends if i have michael
Do you have a dog?Not living with us :(
Last person you talked to on the phone? Janners!!!!
Are you happy?yes but i DONT like this storm...kinda scary and it woke up michael
Where are you right now? On the computer chair
Last movie you saw?Some steve pre movie
Are you allergic to anything?some codine
Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? Old Navy flip flops
Are you jealous of anyone?not really
Are you married?yes
Is anyone jealous of you? Pretty sure thats a no
What time is it?Well now that im finishing this its almost 10
Do any of your friends have children?a select few
Do you eat healthy?Im trying
What do you usually do during the day?change diapers and feed michael lol
Do you hate anyone right now? not hate, thats a strong word
Do you use the word 'hello' daily? No i usually say HI
How many kids do you want to have?3
Have you ever been to Six Flags? SoMeDaY
How did you get one of your scars? I had a Baby!!!
What is in the back seat of your car right now? The question is, what ISNT in my backseat!
Name 3 people who made you smile today?Michael, Andy, and gracin
What were you doing at 8:30 this morning? Feeding the lil man
What were you doing 30 minutes ago? I was at the bank baby
Favorite board game? I like Crainium
Have you ever been to a strip club? Sad to say i have, it was WAY back in my wild and crazy days
What is the last thing you said out loud? Shuush sweetie
What is the best ice cream flavor? I like the Germanchocolatecake from COLD STONE
What was the last thing you had to drink? umm creme soda
What are you wearing right now? Black dress with leggings
What was the last thing you ate? Pita Pit
Have you bought any new clothing items this week? that would be a negative
When was the last time you ran? oh who knows....thats sad
What's the last sporting event you watched? Wrestling...not my choice!
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? France
Have you ever lost anything down a toilet? Lots of things when i was pregnant
Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot? not really
Do you drink your soda from a straw?Yea
What did your last text message say?Just come in
Are you someone's best friend? You know it!
What are you doing tomorrow? BUNKO with the church ladies:)
Where is your mom right now?At the boathouse in this storm...sad..
Look to your left, what do you see? Jack watching tv and dan burping michael
What color is your watch?I dispise watches..
What do you think of when you think of Australia?Kangaroos
Ever ridden on a roller coaster?Yes
Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?mostly drive through, depends if i have michael
Do you have a dog?Not living with us :(
Last person you talked to on the phone? Janners!!!!
Are you happy?yes but i DONT like this storm...kinda scary and it woke up michael
Where are you right now? On the computer chair
Last movie you saw?Some steve pre movie
Are you allergic to anything?some codine
Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? Old Navy flip flops
Are you jealous of anyone?not really
Are you married?yes
Is anyone jealous of you? Pretty sure thats a no
What time is it?Well now that im finishing this its almost 10
Do any of your friends have children?a select few
Do you eat healthy?Im trying
What do you usually do during the day?change diapers and feed michael lol
Do you hate anyone right now? not hate, thats a strong word
Do you use the word 'hello' daily? No i usually say HI
How many kids do you want to have?3
Have you ever been to Six Flags? SoMeDaY
How did you get one of your scars? I had a Baby!!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
YoU kNoW yOu LoVe Me
So my wonderful friend Beth, aKa "blog jacker" tagged me so here i go:)
Twenty years ago...
Twenty years ago...
(This one is a toughie, since i was only two so i had to ask my mother what i was like....)
*My favorite thing was to turn up the radio dial to full blast to scare my parents...then run away REALLY FAST!!!
*I loved to carry around my "real Life" baby doll!
*Being naked was a must...apparently i would take off my clothes and run around crazy in the backyard (embarrassing i know)
* You can also add professional hair cutter to the list...while my brother was sleeping somehow i got ahold of some scissors and sure enough my brother was bald HAHAHA i mean sorry Geoff!
Ten Years Ago...
Ten Years Ago...
( age 12 )
*Seriously crushing on my best friend, Dave Bench
*playing pool on my dad's new table
*doing summer dance camp
*broke BOTH of my arms
*Watched every movie possible (because of the broken arms)
*dancing in my room in front of the mirror pretending to be some superstar:)
Five Years Ago..
Five Years Ago..
( age 18 )
*Ended a very Bad relationship with Jeremy
*Moved to Spokane to start my new life
*Worked at American Eagle Outfitters
*Worked at Hollywood Video as well
*Met my future Husband Andy...he just didn't know it yet!
*Started to go to a Christan church
*Started to figure out what i wanted out of life and who i wanted to be
One year ago...
(age 21)
*Gave birth to my beautiful son Michael
*Went through a spiritual war with my sons health
*Grew stronger as a person
*Built a closer relationship with my husband
* Toughest year of my life but the most joyful year as well
So Far This Year...
(age 22)
*Celebrated my son's first birthday
*Getting better at this whole parenting thing
*Still working at American eagle
*Celebrated our 2yr wedding anniversary
*Moved BACK INTO our wonderful apartment
(still 22)
*Woke up at 9:30
*Called Beth
*Went to Starbucks and got our fraps:)
*Went to Beth's house for some scrapping
*Took Michael to the Doctors
*Took Michael to the Doctors
*Went to Aub's house for Dinner and a movie
(did i say i was 22?)
*Went to work at AE
*Came home to a Sick husband
*Took a nap
*Went to a birthday part for Stacie
*Watched Andy dumped pepper all of the macNcheese (lid came off)
*Watched the finally of So You Think You Can Dance
*Made Chocolate Chip Cookies for Andy
*Watched Dr. Quinn Medicine woman with Andy
*Soon i am going to Bed
(going to be 22)
*Church in the morning
(going to be 22)
*Church in the morning
*Get new cell phones
(and that's all we have planned)
Next Year...
( I'm going to be 23!!!)
*Living in a new home...maybe?
*Celebrating my sons HEALTH:)
*Celebrating my 3rd wedding anniversary
*NEW JOB....maybe?
*Being a mommy and wife
*maybe prego? maybe not?....
.....So my list is done...and i have no one to tag because the only one who reads this is Beth!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Coeur d'Alene Fun
Today was a celebration two years in the making! Lady Jan and I have been wanting to plan a girls day for our birthday for two years...we had it all planned out. Get pedicures, go out to lunch, and shop it up, and FINALLY we were able to do it today. Michael went to Nana's in the morning and i set out for a great adventure with my Jan. We started the morning getting our Starbucks and getting our toes done. I must tell you that being a nail technician is a very dangerous job, specially if you have me for a client. I'm not your average person, i am EXTREMELY ticklish! yes i know, most people are, but I'm to the extreme, all you have to do is point towards my feet and I'm laughing like a hyena! That poor lady, i was doing everything in my power NOT kick her in the face! Why do i put myself through that tickle torture you may ask? I like my feet to be pretty...DUH:) Once our toes were a pretty shade of summer red, we made our road trip to downtown Coeur d"Alene for some lunch and Antique shopping! Boy did i hit the jackpot today! We ate at the Banzai Bistro and had crembluea (sp?)for dessert. This wasn't any normal dessert, this was like heaven in your mouth! Jan put it best.."i could just lick the whole plate!"...we just might have if we weren't in such a fancy place!!!! Also in the shops i bought a sign for Michael's room that says " I love you to the moon and back" (this is a quote i say all the time to him) and for my adorable husband i found a few comics of superman! Apparently one of them wasn't just any comic, one of them was an original copy that Andy didn't have yet! BONUS POINTS:)
This day wasn't just a day of fun, it meant a lot to me. I needed to reconnect with my best friend and today gave me that chance and more! one of my favorite summer days today, that's the truth!!!
This day wasn't just a day of fun, it meant a lot to me. I needed to reconnect with my best friend and today gave me that chance and more! one of my favorite summer days today, that's the truth!!!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Dream Weekend
Well we are home! This weekend we went to my parents boathouse to be away from work, away from city, and away from drama, which is sad to say but has been alot lately. oh well what can ya do. As soon as we arrived to the boathouse (11pm) and starred into the midnight blue sky sprinkled with stars i felt the worries melt away. It was therapeutic, thats for sure! The weekended consisted of sunset walks, playing games, going kayaking, and plenty of naps. It made me realized how much i missed those moments. You know the ones, the moments where you are just there, mind and all! i honestly couldn't tell you when the last time i had one of those before this weekend. My new goal is to have more of them!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Dreams, Boats, and Coffee
So last night i had a floorset which surprisingly went well, Minus the cramps...sorry if that was too much info but hey its the truth! I got home alittle after 2am and i was wired. i played on the computer (if you couldn't tell by my new profile) and finally after 3am i was able to i thought! I don't know why but i seriously had a dream that my husband was Batman and i was his sidekick..kinda like cat woman but nicer...and we were fighting crime together in dream even had a villain in it...Do you remember the penguin? yeah it was him, Short, chubby, pointy nose penguin...this dude was scary let me tell ya, i think that's why i remember my dream this time!!!! The dream was never finished, i woke up right when we were just at the climax...i know great timing! So this is probably the weirdest post ever. I just realized that the people who are reading this most likely think I'm crazy!!!!
Now to the Boats! Tonight we are leaving for my family's boathouse! This place is our special place! Open skies, glass like water, and PEACE! this is just the relaxation that we need! Plus my husband had a wonderful idea to go on a date tomorrow night in a near by town! We would of course ask my parents to babysit Michael, and make sure its okay with them, but isn't that cute? i have such a great man i must say!
And at last, COFFEE! i woke up this afternoon (remember i didn't get to bed till 3am and Michael is with his Nana) craving a Carmel machiotto from Starbucks!!!! There is nothing like the taste of coffee. You know how people have some people love chocolate, Others are movies or comic books (my husband) , well mine is COFFEE! Just sitting down and relaxing with a cup can make my whole day turn around...It can take a hectic day and put it on pause for awhile, yes i know that sounds like an addiction and if it is well i just have one thing to say.....Hello, my name is Heidi....and I'm addicted to coffee!!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Boy oh boy has this week been BUSY! There has been so many things that i have been wanting to share with you people and NOT ENOUGH TIME to get on here and do it! i have topics from family, to heath, to birthdays, and the list goes on! And because of my crazy week i really have no energy to stay on here and write a MILE long blog, which is sad because i really want to do it!
But i will write about today! This morning i woke up to my phone ringing around 7am, it was my Beth calling me, Thank goodness she did because i OVERSLEPT and i was supposed to be at her house pretty much right then! I set my alarm for 6am not expecting my son waking up at last night it a screaming frenzy! Normally my husband would take that shift if i had to be somewhere early the next morning, but lil man wouldn't have it...every time i even tried to walk out the room and back to bed he started screaming, i felt loved AND tired all at the same time! after we fed him and got to bed it was WELL pass 1AM and once my head hit the pillow i was OUT! When i realized the time when Beth called i pretty much FLEW out of bed, tripping over the mess on the floor, stubbing my toe, and trying to talk to Beth all at the same time, Pretty talented i must add. so once i got ready and was running out the door, i realized that i had NO KEYS, and sure enough it took me an extra 10 minutes destroying the house looking for them. haha it was definitely one of those mornings! But as soon as i got into the car on my way to Beth's it was SMOOTH SAILING:) Arrived with Starbucks in hand and ready to help Beth and her friend tackling the Yard Sailing Community! Which i must say was PRETTY SUCCESSFUL! It was a beautiful day...minus the morning at home hahah!
But i will write about today! This morning i woke up to my phone ringing around 7am, it was my Beth calling me, Thank goodness she did because i OVERSLEPT and i was supposed to be at her house pretty much right then! I set my alarm for 6am not expecting my son waking up at last night it a screaming frenzy! Normally my husband would take that shift if i had to be somewhere early the next morning, but lil man wouldn't have it...every time i even tried to walk out the room and back to bed he started screaming, i felt loved AND tired all at the same time! after we fed him and got to bed it was WELL pass 1AM and once my head hit the pillow i was OUT! When i realized the time when Beth called i pretty much FLEW out of bed, tripping over the mess on the floor, stubbing my toe, and trying to talk to Beth all at the same time, Pretty talented i must add. so once i got ready and was running out the door, i realized that i had NO KEYS, and sure enough it took me an extra 10 minutes destroying the house looking for them. haha it was definitely one of those mornings! But as soon as i got into the car on my way to Beth's it was SMOOTH SAILING:) Arrived with Starbucks in hand and ready to help Beth and her friend tackling the Yard Sailing Community! Which i must say was PRETTY SUCCESSFUL! It was a beautiful day...minus the morning at home hahah!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Oh to be Bald!
First of all let me state that i love my son VERY much and wouldn't trade him for the world. And on that note...IF HE PULLS MY HAIR ONE MORE TIME I'M GOING TO SHAVE MY HEAD!!! yes thats right, and its not even pulling, its RIPING out my hair.....i feel bad for getting mad at him but seriously it hurts!!!!!! i try to talk to him and explain to him ( a 1yr old) how pulling hurts and its not a nice thing but what does he do??? cracks up laughing his bottom off....litterly he was farting! well now that im done venting i will go and take some Advil for my headache!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Night of fun!!!!!

Okay ladies and Gents tonight was a girl night for My dear friend Beth and I!!! A much deserving one i think haha! Not only were we on a sugar high from Gelato and Starbucks, we also went shopping and boy did i spend money! i came home with shoes, wall art, and scrapbooking stuff. I was so excited that i made the guys pause their guy night so i can share all my new 'toys'. Bless their heart, they tried to act excited but i could tell that they wanted to resume their show hahaha. I have to say though that i thoroughly enjoyed tonight, the fellowship and laughter that Beth and i share together is a friendship that i hold close and I love each and every time i spend with her! I think we need to have a girls night at least one or twice a month, what do you think?
Sunday, July 20, 2008
So PROUD!!!!!
Today my son has made me SOOO proud! While we were at my aunts house, sitting on the floor with my son and farther, enjoying everyones company, my son decided to get up on all fours and go for my Starbucks, yes MY STARBUCKS!!!! it took two scoots (he was on his elbows), one arm at a time to steal my favorite drink!!!! i give him a week before he is crawling all over the place! But i will give him about 15 years before he can enjoy my Starbucks!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
How time flys!!!

At this time 11:20 pm last year i was in the hospital anxiously awaiting my sons arrival into the world...that little stinker made me wait 30 hours!!!!!! But he was well worth the wait, as we speak right now he is asleep at my feet. he was playing with his toys and all of the sudden conked out!!!! i cant believe that he will be one tomorrow, seriously it baffles me how this year flew by. and how much our lives were changed by this little man. Before Michael i probably wouldn't smell a baby's butt just to see if he needs changed, i would have passed that opportunity quickly. I wouldn't leave my house with spit up all over me, and now i feel way to dressed up if i DON'T HAVE IT ON ME. I wouldn't spend my mornings watching Arther and Curious George cartoons but now, my morning doesn't feel complete without them! What I'm trying to say is that my life may not be as glamorous as it was before Michael but i promise you its way more rewarding with him in it! I love you baby boy and thank you for making my life full of love!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
E.E.G. and all the Jazz
SO tonight i actually have some downtime so here i am!!!! i know i know, you are jumping off your feet in excitement:) Life lately has been grand!!!! Mr. Man (our son) went into the hospital last week for a over night E.E.G. and he rocked it like the star he is. Only Michael could keep a smile on his face while being treated like a guniepig . When they were drawing blood from his arm, he literally just looked at the needle with a smile on his face, and i KNOW he was trying to figure out how he could put it in his a days nothing is safe for his teeth!!! The night in the hospital was extremely emotional for us and things happened the honestly made my heart drop but the Lord is good and he provided us happiness at the end of the tunnel! Michael's E.E.G. came back 100% NORMAL! yeah you heard me, NORMAL! which means that he hasn't had any seizures for awhile and the doctors felt that it is safe to take him off his meds! Exciting I KNOW:) What a great blessing to what has literally been a nightmare! Awesome timing as well i might add, Michael will be turning one this Friday!!!! Things finally feel like it is all turning around, that this year we will have more good than bad. Don't get me wrong, i have loved this passed year with my son, I'm just saying, if we could keep the health problems down to a minimum this coming year i would HIGHLY appreciate it:)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
so i have to postpone for one more night, craziness is the prefect word for the night! i have some downtime tomorrow so i will try to get on! i just wanted to keep my promise:)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I know i know..
It has been a week since i have last posted and i am truly sorry but on my behalf i have been busy!! and i hate to break it but i kinda need to keep this short, Andy and i are watching our show and i think i am going to be a good wife and bake some AMAZING cookies:) But this is my promise...I WILL BE ON TOMORROW AND I WILL POST ABOUT HOW MY LIFE HAS CHANGED IN THE PAST WEEK! much love to you all and remember..put a smile on your face, just because i said so:)
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Happy 4th of July
Tonight my family and i went to the arena to watch the fireworks with some friends of ours. As i sat there with my son on my lap i scanned the area around me. I saw little j sitting on Jan's lap. Beth and Jacob holding hands, her brother and wife with their child nestled together next to them. Then i saw these tiny little hands reaching up in the air and immediately i started to laugh! My son was trying to catch the fireworks in the sky. The smile on his face was defiantly a Kodak moment that's for sure! I turned my head and saw my husband too taking in the moment, then our eyes met, it became our special moment. I'm the luckiest girl to have these people in my life!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Well ladies and Gents i am in Good ol' Oregon. The weather is like 1oo degrees here and I'm actually enjoying myself but my heart is aching for Andy! i just miss staying up with him watching our movies, playing wii, and watching him with Michael. I miss him hugging me and i REALLY miss my cuddle time, which would be tons here because bless my parents but they keep the house like an igloo! but at least i can see him tomorrow! things for T's wedding have been turning out beautiful! she is going to make one gorgeous bride that's for sure! me on the other hand will be looking like a zebra. Lets just say a tanning thing went VERY bad on my ohh the struggles of this week. It all started Tuesday when my car decided not to work. i tried leaving Washington at 10am and actually didn't get on the road till 1pm because of car troubles...THAN i had to turn around because i forgot my bridesmaid dress...Than once i got on the road again my air conditioner decided to up and die on times let me tell ya! well than YESTERDAY i was on my way to my parents house from a lunch date and my breaks decided not to work...SCARY MOMENT! after my dad did some fixings on the car he found a piece of cardboard lodged into the the break stuff so yeah its all better now, i just have no idea hoe the cardboard got there! well i must be off, i have to go get a dress tailored ( mine is TOO BIG in the boob area) but i just wanted to let ya all know I'm still alive and kicking!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Praise The Lord
seriously i want to scream that out loud for everyone to hear at the moment but i have to hold myself back considering its 10:30PM and i would have ALOT of cranky neighbors at my door!
SO yeah my son had his MRI on Wednesday and we got the results back today and YEP the were NORMAL! After we were told to expect the worse God showed them, AND us, that He wasn't done with our son, that he is still working his miracle through him. Thank you! THANK YOU!
seriously i want to scream that out loud for everyone to hear at the moment but i have to hold myself back considering its 10:30PM and i would have ALOT of cranky neighbors at my door!
SO yeah my son had his MRI on Wednesday and we got the results back today and YEP the were NORMAL! After we were told to expect the worse God showed them, AND us, that He wasn't done with our son, that he is still working his miracle through him. Thank you! THANK YOU!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
To breath Again!
So ladies and gents im sicker than a dog. i never really understood that phrase.. When i usually see dogs they are all happy and sicker than a dog really makes no now i will say im sicker than...umm someone who is sick? ya i got nothing! I hate this feeling of not being able to breath or swallow...not fun! i dont get to kiss my husband, i dont get to kiss my son, im missing out on superman night and BURRITOS...grrr tiger. oh well heres hope that tomorrow i will wake up with no COLD!...aaaah the good ol days of breath.
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