Today has been a beautiful day and i wanted to share it with you!! First things First.....its been forever since i have blogged!!!! Im not good at this thing but im trying lol! So today has been a breath of fresh air which was needed in these past few months of crazy chaos and hospital is what i did!!!
*I woke up at nine, yes NINE in the morning. I GOT TO SLEEP IN!!!! Mikee was up before me but he just played in his room until i was ready to drag myself out of the bed.
*Made Oatmeal and toast for the duder and i while we watched some "ELMO"..mikees all time favorite monster. While i was feeding him he just cuddled up to me and told me all about his dreams...i think, i still havent mastered Gibberish yet.
*Texted/Called a friend who lives TOO FAR AWAY for my selfish needs lol...MISS YOU B!
*Had a great visit with my hubby at his new job
*Came home and put duder down for a 3 hour nap while i did the laundry, Facebook chat, and RELAXED
*Went to Safeway to grab some "Ghettie" fixings and had a PEACEFUL trip without mikee SCREAMING or trying to steal a block of cheese...yes it happened last week, i turned us right around and went back and paid for it...goober
And now im blogging away until its time to make dinner. Hubs got stuck at work and wont be home till later but i am looking forward to a mean game of Gen:)
The Lord has Blessed today with all the little things that happened. Im grateful to have the life i lead even if it a nightmare with hospitals i do know he is in the mist of it all watching over us and holding Michael's hand. He did so today because today was the first day in awhile where we had no seizures! Thank you Father!!