Yep, that's right! I'M PREGNANT!
I'm very excited/scared all at the same time. Excited that i have a little bun in the oven but scared out of my mind because of what happened with Mikee! But i know that God is in control and he believes that i can handle this so here i go!!
But i do have to say finding out i was preggers was a little rough. I went to the doctors yesterday to do some tests. Later that day the nurse called me to inform me that my body wasn't handling the pregnancy that well and that i wasn't producing hardly any placenta, which means i needed to prepare for a miscarriage...that's when my heart broke into a million pieces...After i got done calling Andy and sobbing for an hour the doctor called once again to inform me that they made a mistake, that they got my results and another patient mixed up....and that i was a very pregnant and healthy. I Bawled again...good tears this time...but i couldn't help but feel heartbroken for the mother who's test results i did receive. My heat goes out to her and her family...i only felt that pain for one hour, i cant imagine feeling it forever.
But i want to leave this post on a good note...I asked mikee what he wanted to name the baby and he decided on Bam Bam..I'm hoping for a pebbles!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Breathing Time
Hey All
Today has been a beautiful day and i wanted to share it with you!! First things First.....its been forever since i have blogged!!!! Im not good at this thing but im trying lol! So today has been a breath of fresh air which was needed in these past few months of crazy chaos and hospital is what i did!!!
*I woke up at nine, yes NINE in the morning. I GOT TO SLEEP IN!!!! Mikee was up before me but he just played in his room until i was ready to drag myself out of the bed.
*Made Oatmeal and toast for the duder and i while we watched some "ELMO"..mikees all time favorite monster. While i was feeding him he just cuddled up to me and told me all about his dreams...i think, i still havent mastered Gibberish yet.
*Texted/Called a friend who lives TOO FAR AWAY for my selfish needs lol...MISS YOU B!
*Had a great visit with my hubby at his new job
*Came home and put duder down for a 3 hour nap while i did the laundry, Facebook chat, and RELAXED
*Went to Safeway to grab some "Ghettie" fixings and had a PEACEFUL trip without mikee SCREAMING or trying to steal a block of cheese...yes it happened last week, i turned us right around and went back and paid for it...goober
And now im blogging away until its time to make dinner. Hubs got stuck at work and wont be home till later but i am looking forward to a mean game of Gen:)
The Lord has Blessed today with all the little things that happened. Im grateful to have the life i lead even if it a nightmare with hospitals i do know he is in the mist of it all watching over us and holding Michael's hand. He did so today because today was the first day in awhile where we had no seizures! Thank you Father!!
Today has been a beautiful day and i wanted to share it with you!! First things First.....its been forever since i have blogged!!!! Im not good at this thing but im trying lol! So today has been a breath of fresh air which was needed in these past few months of crazy chaos and hospital is what i did!!!
*I woke up at nine, yes NINE in the morning. I GOT TO SLEEP IN!!!! Mikee was up before me but he just played in his room until i was ready to drag myself out of the bed.
*Made Oatmeal and toast for the duder and i while we watched some "ELMO"..mikees all time favorite monster. While i was feeding him he just cuddled up to me and told me all about his dreams...i think, i still havent mastered Gibberish yet.
*Texted/Called a friend who lives TOO FAR AWAY for my selfish needs lol...MISS YOU B!
*Had a great visit with my hubby at his new job
*Came home and put duder down for a 3 hour nap while i did the laundry, Facebook chat, and RELAXED
*Went to Safeway to grab some "Ghettie" fixings and had a PEACEFUL trip without mikee SCREAMING or trying to steal a block of cheese...yes it happened last week, i turned us right around and went back and paid for it...goober
And now im blogging away until its time to make dinner. Hubs got stuck at work and wont be home till later but i am looking forward to a mean game of Gen:)
The Lord has Blessed today with all the little things that happened. Im grateful to have the life i lead even if it a nightmare with hospitals i do know he is in the mist of it all watching over us and holding Michael's hand. He did so today because today was the first day in awhile where we had no seizures! Thank you Father!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
How many times can one persons heart break i wonder? How many times can my heart go through this? Michael had his first full blown paralization today...he couldn't sit up, could really move...just twitch for 3 hours...then a seizure...then another seizure...then he was fine and happy...then a seizure again...and now has really labored breathing...i know Gods hand is in this somewhere im just so tired of hurting...and so tired of watching my son go through this
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Hey All!
Guess What? Its August!!! YAY!!! Seriously out of all the seasons Fall is my favorite and August means its on its way!! Im so excited for fall i can almost taste joke, it taste like apple cider and pumpkin spiced Lattes!
So alot has happen in the past few weeks that i need to update you all on. We have been in Seattle alot these past few months and from what the Doctors have to say it looks like it is going to be like that for awhile. We just got back from Seattle Children's last week with mixed news. The doctors there informed us that they did find a few things. Michael's EEG showed that he is having seizures in the frontal right lobe of his brain which affects his motor skills, which explains alot.What we thought were strokes for him are actually the side affects of the seizures,which is partial paralyzation...they don't know if every time will be temporary or if one big seizure will knock him out...NOT A FAN OF THAT! They have an idea on what type of seizures they may be and truth be told im praying that the test will prove their theory wrong because if they are right we are looking at michael losing eyesight and hearing all together. No thank you. Our next step is getting a full sedation MRI,His Retina tested for seizures, a Cardiologist,and genetics. Like i said...we will be living in Seattle with all these doctors appointments. We are thankful to FINALLY be finding some things out but at the same time we are scared and also frustrated with the doctors here in Spokane. It has been TWO YEARS of testing here and they never found any of this...i asked the doctors in Seattle if this is something that just started to show and they said most likely he was born with it and that you have to look hard to find the sacred heart, next time...LOOK HARDER! GRR! Anywho,Michael is on Keppra for his seizures and the only side affect it seems to have is being HYPERACTIVE!!!! This kid is bouncing off the walls!!! But as long as it helps im okay with getting no sleep lol!
Well i must go, im babysitting a one month old and he just woke up from a nap! Take care all and talk to you later? Oh and there any craft shows coming up? im kinda antsy to go to one!!!
Guess What? Its August!!! YAY!!! Seriously out of all the seasons Fall is my favorite and August means its on its way!! Im so excited for fall i can almost taste joke, it taste like apple cider and pumpkin spiced Lattes!
So alot has happen in the past few weeks that i need to update you all on. We have been in Seattle alot these past few months and from what the Doctors have to say it looks like it is going to be like that for awhile. We just got back from Seattle Children's last week with mixed news. The doctors there informed us that they did find a few things. Michael's EEG showed that he is having seizures in the frontal right lobe of his brain which affects his motor skills, which explains alot.What we thought were strokes for him are actually the side affects of the seizures,which is partial paralyzation...they don't know if every time will be temporary or if one big seizure will knock him out...NOT A FAN OF THAT! They have an idea on what type of seizures they may be and truth be told im praying that the test will prove their theory wrong because if they are right we are looking at michael losing eyesight and hearing all together. No thank you. Our next step is getting a full sedation MRI,His Retina tested for seizures, a Cardiologist,and genetics. Like i said...we will be living in Seattle with all these doctors appointments. We are thankful to FINALLY be finding some things out but at the same time we are scared and also frustrated with the doctors here in Spokane. It has been TWO YEARS of testing here and they never found any of this...i asked the doctors in Seattle if this is something that just started to show and they said most likely he was born with it and that you have to look hard to find the sacred heart, next time...LOOK HARDER! GRR! Anywho,Michael is on Keppra for his seizures and the only side affect it seems to have is being HYPERACTIVE!!!! This kid is bouncing off the walls!!! But as long as it helps im okay with getting no sleep lol!
Well i must go, im babysitting a one month old and he just woke up from a nap! Take care all and talk to you later? Oh and there any craft shows coming up? im kinda antsy to go to one!!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Praise You in This Storm
words by Mark Hall/music by Mark Hall and Bernie Herms
I was sure by now,God, that You would have reached down
and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen
and it's still raining
as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away.
And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You
and raised me up again
my strength is almost gone how can I carry on
if I can't find You
and as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away
I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
*So this song has a special place in my heart! For some reason when things keep crumbling down this song always seems to pop in my head*
words by Mark Hall/music by Mark Hall and Bernie Herms
I was sure by now,God, that You would have reached down
and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen
and it's still raining
as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away.
And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You
and raised me up again
my strength is almost gone how can I carry on
if I can't find You
and as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away
I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
*So this song has a special place in my heart! For some reason when things keep crumbling down this song always seems to pop in my head*
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
We slide!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Hola friends
well this past few weeks have been insane with our household getting sick, best friend moving, going to the Seattle hospital, yeah safe to say I'm thankful for the week off!!
First things First...BETH COME BACK!!!
Now that i got that out of the way now i will tell you about our wonderful journey to Seattle Children's hospital...that place was amazing!!! Just walking into that place i started to feel the weight lifting off my shoulders and it being replaced with hope. The staff was amazing with Michael. He was scared at first but warmed up to them so much that they actually had him giggling during the strobe light test (which is hard to do)!
The only downer of the trip is that i go extremely sick and threw up for four days! Ladies, i was even at the CHEESECAKE FACTORY and i couldn't even take a bite out of the cake OR drink my starbucks!! Its a sin i tell ya! I ended up in the ER fathers day morning (sorry hunny) because i got so dehydrated that i was doubling over in pain and getting faint..sounds like a great time huh? Things were okay though, they hooked me up to an IV all morning and gave me a cocktail of drugs and i was free to go sometime in the afternoon and i slept the rest of the day!
well I'm going to go, the Hubs and i are watching Batman 2. I'm talking about the movie made in the 90's. My husband is a huge fan of superhero movies and just got the WHOLE set on blue ray...that mean 6 wonderful nights watching a man in black tights and a bat mobile...not gonna lie, i like our movie nights:)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
It has been way to long since i have blogged! CRAZY! If some of you were wondering what i have been up too here is a very quick update in List form just because i can:) * Michael can say "Bubbles" and "Read" and "YEAH!"
* Andy has been working very hard (that hasent change just wanted to add that in there) * I have been working more then usual, but hey its bringing home the bacon! well maybe an egg! * We are trying to unpack things, slowly but surley we will get there
* Started working out more What a diffrence an ipod can make during a workout
* I GOT NEW CAR!! it will be here in two weeks:)
* Michael has the Stevie Wonder Dance down PACT!!
* Im taking up gardening, but i aint no Martha Stewart!!
* I Really like to Use the * button:)
Anywho, here are a few pics to update!

* Andy has been working very hard (that hasent change just wanted to add that in there) * I have been working more then usual, but hey its bringing home the bacon! well maybe an egg! * We are trying to unpack things, slowly but surley we will get there
* Started working out more What a diffrence an ipod can make during a workout
* I GOT NEW CAR!! it will be here in two weeks:)
* Michael has the Stevie Wonder Dance down PACT!!
* Im taking up gardening, but i aint no Martha Stewart!!
* I Really like to Use the * button:)
Anywho, here are a few pics to update!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

So my dear friends it has been ummmm FOREVER since i have last blogged im sorry to say! Us Kirsteins have been holed up in the house with the Spokane Epidemic! Yes thats right, i said it. Andy had Broncititis for a MONTH. Michael had two ear infections plus strep for a MONTH. And i did everything i could (besides not moving out ) not to get sick...planned failed. Now we are all feeling better i am actually mustering up some energy to get on here to post some pictures! Hope you enjoy!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
25 Randoms about Yours Truly!
So i was on a friends page and i thought "oh why not" so i decided that i am going to let you in my life and share 25 RANDOM things about Yours truly!!!
1). Im crazy...really i am! But its part of my charm:)
2). Dance is my passion. I did it for 18 years and i miss it dearly, But my son comes first and starting back up will be to expensive!
3). Im Afraid of the dark. HUGE BABY! i turn back into a 5 year old every time im alone in it...lame i know!
4). I dont have alot of confidence in myself...i always think im going to fail at something...sad...
5). My husband is the most loving man i have ever met! He gives a peice of his heart to anyone who need his help and i believe the Lord has given him a special gift to help others!
6). Im still angry with what happen to michael during the labor, so much that when i watch that sacred heart commercial on TV my heart starts to race.
7). I want to have another baby but im terrified at the same time that the same things is going to happen all over again and i dont think my heart can handle that
8). Im kinda scared at making new friends which may shock a few people who know takes awhile for me to let my guard down with people.
9). One of the most relaxing thing for me to do is to go to Starbucks, grab a coffee to go, then go grocery shopping BY MYSELF! i have no idea why but i LOVE it!
10). Im a bookworm. When im reading i honestly place myself in the book, its BETTER THAN TV
11). My Son is the strongest person i know! He has been through Soo much in his short 18 month life and he is still one of the happiest baby i know!
12). I want to go to Paris with my husband for our 5th wedding anniversary! and then to Ireland to see the castles!
13). I pull at my eye lashes when im stressed, which lately is ALOT
14). Im scared of the unknown. i dont like not knowing what lies ahead for my family
15). Pineapple is AWESOME! MMM MMM Good!
16). I am hungry for God. I want to be able to let go of what im holding back and give it all to him.
17). I have a temper...its horrible i know
18). the Newsies is one of my favorite movies!
19). I LOVE the coconut banana mocha fraps from starbucks BUT of course they stopped making it!!! seriously what a sad day!
20). Im a hopeless romantic! i LOVE to be in love and i love seeing others in love!
21). I want to be mrs. clause! seriously what a great job to have!
22). Im sick of unpacking! Love the new house, just hate unpacking! lol
23). Besides my husband, my mom is my best friend! and i WISH she lived here!
24). I WANT A GREAT DANE SO BAD! and his name will be Tiny!
25). Right now at this moment i want a fire going with a cup of coffee and my hunny snuggled next to me watching a movie....but he is gone:(
1). Im crazy...really i am! But its part of my charm:)
2). Dance is my passion. I did it for 18 years and i miss it dearly, But my son comes first and starting back up will be to expensive!
3). Im Afraid of the dark. HUGE BABY! i turn back into a 5 year old every time im alone in it...lame i know!
4). I dont have alot of confidence in myself...i always think im going to fail at something...sad...
5). My husband is the most loving man i have ever met! He gives a peice of his heart to anyone who need his help and i believe the Lord has given him a special gift to help others!
6). Im still angry with what happen to michael during the labor, so much that when i watch that sacred heart commercial on TV my heart starts to race.
7). I want to have another baby but im terrified at the same time that the same things is going to happen all over again and i dont think my heart can handle that
8). Im kinda scared at making new friends which may shock a few people who know takes awhile for me to let my guard down with people.
9). One of the most relaxing thing for me to do is to go to Starbucks, grab a coffee to go, then go grocery shopping BY MYSELF! i have no idea why but i LOVE it!
10). Im a bookworm. When im reading i honestly place myself in the book, its BETTER THAN TV
11). My Son is the strongest person i know! He has been through Soo much in his short 18 month life and he is still one of the happiest baby i know!
12). I want to go to Paris with my husband for our 5th wedding anniversary! and then to Ireland to see the castles!
13). I pull at my eye lashes when im stressed, which lately is ALOT
14). Im scared of the unknown. i dont like not knowing what lies ahead for my family
15). Pineapple is AWESOME! MMM MMM Good!
16). I am hungry for God. I want to be able to let go of what im holding back and give it all to him.
17). I have a temper...its horrible i know
18). the Newsies is one of my favorite movies!
19). I LOVE the coconut banana mocha fraps from starbucks BUT of course they stopped making it!!! seriously what a sad day!
20). Im a hopeless romantic! i LOVE to be in love and i love seeing others in love!
21). I want to be mrs. clause! seriously what a great job to have!
22). Im sick of unpacking! Love the new house, just hate unpacking! lol
23). Besides my husband, my mom is my best friend! and i WISH she lived here!
24). I WANT A GREAT DANE SO BAD! and his name will be Tiny!
25). Right now at this moment i want a fire going with a cup of coffee and my hunny snuggled next to me watching a movie....but he is gone:(
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Oh so Tired
Today was MOVING DAY! and let me tell you, my dad WORKED ME! This morning at 7 i get a phone call from my dad letting us know that he will be at our house in 15min to "move us on out" that point i just wanted to hide! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that we are moving into a beautiful, FABULOUS house but i just hate the idea of packing and moving. In the past 5 years i have moved 7 times...yes, 7....I'm done! I told Andy that we need to be at this house for at least 5 years because I'm not budging! But after we got everything moved in Andy, Michael, and I went through every room making plans to decorate and then passed out on our bed! It was a great first day, and tomorrow will be more:) Praise God!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Super Why
Thank GOODNESS someone created that show! I'm not kidding, it is the ONLY SHOW that can keep my kid still and quiet while i get a few things done around the house! As i type he is sitting in his highchair playing with his toys and watching Princess P spell the word P-A-R-T-Y!! Thanks you Super Why for my Super Mommy Sane Moment!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
And the winner is..
Beth for her HILARIOUS COMMENT she made last night!!! i told you i will blog about it so here i go!!
Last night Beth and I had a girls night that consisted of Wild Noodles, Stamp buying at Michael's, and some lovely Bathroom humor at Target! hahahaha! So there we were in the bath room stalls and it was VERY quiet in there and all of the sudden my wonderful friend decides to announce "I feel like breaking out it song".....BAHAHAHA! it was just so random and that's why i love our friendship so much. we can be silly random girls and have a blast at TARGET!!!
I tried telling the story to my husband last night and he looked at me like i was crazy and just said "oh boy"...i don't think he understands us lol.
Last night Beth and I had a girls night that consisted of Wild Noodles, Stamp buying at Michael's, and some lovely Bathroom humor at Target! hahahaha! So there we were in the bath room stalls and it was VERY quiet in there and all of the sudden my wonderful friend decides to announce "I feel like breaking out it song".....BAHAHAHA! it was just so random and that's why i love our friendship so much. we can be silly random girls and have a blast at TARGET!!!
I tried telling the story to my husband last night and he looked at me like i was crazy and just said "oh boy"...i don't think he understands us lol.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Happy Birthday Love!

Today is the day of celebration! It is my husbands birthday! I am so grateful for the Lord to have created such a wonderful man and blessing me with him as my husband. Andy is honestly the most kind hearted person that i have ever met. Every action he does he considers how it will effect others around him. He is an AMAZING father to Michael. I think it helps that he is a big kid himself ha ha. He has a passion for the Lord that helps feed mine. He is always the voice that calms me down and brings me back to planet earth when I'm too stressed. He is the only one who has been able to do that by the way. He makes me feel safe. I often joke with him that he got a bum deal when he picked me for his wife. We haven't even been married for 3 years yet and i have had 4 big surgeries and have been in the ER who knows how many times, and each and every time he is by my side taking care of me AND Michael. He works hard to provide for his family and never gives up when things get hard. He is my better half. Again, Happy birthday baby and i am so grateful God created such a beautiful, loving man who means the world to me. I love you!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Catching some ZZZZ's
Michael has this new found love for not sleeping. I kid you not, he was up till about 3AM this morning then woke up at 6 ready to play. FULL OF ENERGY! Then fell asleep around 7 or 8 and woke up at 10:45am. It would be one thing if this was the first night he had this pattern of sleep but no, its be about a week. Andy and I are now walking zombies while mikee is on the floor grabbing everything in his reach. Oh and he hasn't had a nap today that lasted over 15 minutes. Please baby boy, Please Sleep!!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Oh well what to do!
So today was a rough day. There were tears. Not so much fun "raising the voice" which is not like yelling but close too. It's so weird how being afraid of what is going to happen in the future can turn a person pretty much crazy. And you want to know what's even crazier? I actually feel at times that i control whats going to happen, and when it slips out of my grasp, then it makes me angry. Silly right? I know that only the Lord knows the future and he has laid out my path. I know, and i would like to think that i 100% believe it, but i don't think im doing a good job on it because i keep on trying to "take control". Fear seems to do that to me. But im going to honestly try to do better at that. One a good note, my dear friend took me and my son out for coffee and a wonderful date to Joannes. It was a much needed night and now i an honestly say im relaxed! Im sipping on my dink and watching a chick flick. Husband is working, and baby is in bed, and im getting some rare alone time. much needed!
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