Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree!!!
So last night Andy and i decorated the Christmas Tree...yes i know, we did it WAY late but hey, at least we got it done before Christmas right? It was so much fun busting out all the decorations because half of them are from my childhood, including the a few from my first Christmas! Each Ornament that i received from my childhood has a story behind it. I'm grateful to my parents for starting that tradition because it brings be warm fuzzys looking at them every time! Its a tradition that i brought into my own family and i cant wait till my son gets older so i can see the excitement on his face when he remembers when he received his Superman Onesy ( this years ornament) because he has been our true blue super baby for overcoming all that he did this year! I just LOVE Christmas traditions!!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
SNOW, Snow, GO Away!
Im not trying to be scrooge but i need the snow to go away so my parents can come for Christmas!!!! Seriously, i havent had a christmas with my parents since i started dating my husband....over 4 years ago! NOT A FAN! So please now, just be nice and let them drive up!
Now onto what we have been up too....I worked till WAY late Saturday night, came home and cuddled with my men (Andy and Michael) and went to bed...So i thought i was going to bed. Michael's "cold" turned out to be way worse and they have him on a strong Anti Biotics and his cough is getting worse, plus feverish so we are giving the medicine till Tuesday to make a difference and if not we are going back in. I just paranoid because with a child who has seizure history, once a fever comes (low grade or high) it can start a string if seizures, so safe to say im on edge. Which sucks because im pretty sure i will be like this for ALL the fevers he is going to get. He's a kid, Kids get sick....i understand it, i just dont have to like it lol.
Right now Andy and i are on the couch watching Christmas Vocation with Chevy Chase. Oh the poor cat in the movie lol. Well i hope everyone is keeping warm in this crazy storm and Happy Holidays!!!
Now onto what we have been up too....I worked till WAY late Saturday night, came home and cuddled with my men (Andy and Michael) and went to bed...So i thought i was going to bed. Michael's "cold" turned out to be way worse and they have him on a strong Anti Biotics and his cough is getting worse, plus feverish so we are giving the medicine till Tuesday to make a difference and if not we are going back in. I just paranoid because with a child who has seizure history, once a fever comes (low grade or high) it can start a string if seizures, so safe to say im on edge. Which sucks because im pretty sure i will be like this for ALL the fevers he is going to get. He's a kid, Kids get sick....i understand it, i just dont have to like it lol.
Right now Andy and i are on the couch watching Christmas Vocation with Chevy Chase. Oh the poor cat in the movie lol. Well i hope everyone is keeping warm in this crazy storm and Happy Holidays!!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Poor little Man
So michael is is getting worse not better! it started off with a lil runny nose, then a cough, then to coughing up mucus, And now he has a fever and what sounds like a brocitist cough! Poor little man, i called the doctors on call nurse since of course they arnt open for safety reasons and she told me to just do dimatab and Tylenol for the fever.Its just a bad cold i hope but it just sucks to see him so down in the dumps! Anyone who knows michael knows that he is a HAM, and being quiet isnt normal lol. But on the good side, i actually get to be at home with him today. My work called and told me that they are not going to need me to come in because of the weather so i get to stay at home and cuddle him:) Cuddling is my favorite:)!!!
I hope everyone has a safe day today!!!!
I hope everyone has a safe day today!!!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
So My husband and i had a conversation yesterday that kinda made me giggle so i am going to share with you.
Do you remember when we were kids, we were PRAYING for a snow day? We just couldn't wait to get our snow gear on and hit the hills with the sleds! Welp you know your a grown up when you wake up, look out the window and moan! I seriously now understand why my dad hated snow days lol. Not just because of the responsibilities such as work, but its dangerous to drive for the few who do have to go out (my husband) in the "Big White"! But did we ever think of that when were kids? i know i didnt!! It just makes me laugh because i totally remember thinking my dad was a scrooge because he disliked snow so much and now im in agreement with him! I dont hate it, i just dont like it too much lol!

Do you remember when we were kids, we were PRAYING for a snow day? We just couldn't wait to get our snow gear on and hit the hills with the sleds! Welp you know your a grown up when you wake up, look out the window and moan! I seriously now understand why my dad hated snow days lol. Not just because of the responsibilities such as work, but its dangerous to drive for the few who do have to go out (my husband) in the "Big White"! But did we ever think of that when were kids? i know i didnt!! It just makes me laugh because i totally remember thinking my dad was a scrooge because he disliked snow so much and now im in agreement with him! I dont hate it, i just dont like it too much lol!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Fa la la
So tonight i get to go to....wait for it...wait for it....MICHAEL W. SMITH's CHRISTMAS CONCERT! oh yeah baby! So excited, it just hope i can stay awake...last night i had not just one but TWO boys to take care of until 3AM....Michael was having trouble breathing with his apnea and would wake up screaming because it scared him, And my wonderful husband would do the same...except the screaming part lol. He has apnea as well and last night was pretty bad...i kept on having to shake him to breath...doesn't sound like a great night sleep right? right! But today should be good, all i have to do is clean the house, run so errands, make dinner for the babysitter (who is pregnant, so its alil tricky because she gets sick alot), and get ready for my wonderful night of worship and Christmas cheer!.....did i mention im going to the MICHAEL W. SMITH's CHRISTMAS CONCERT!?!?!?!? oh i did? lol
Friday, December 12, 2008
Jack Frost Nipping at your nose!
So i LOVE the COLOR of beautiful it makes the whole world look.....BUT i despise driving in it lol! But on thing im excited for is that this winter we are going to take michael sledding!!!! he will of course be on a toboggan and going down with andy but i just want to have fun and let him enjoy it, for just a few minutes at least!!!! But once again let me state that driving in the snow DOES NOT WORK FOR ME!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Human or Beaver?
Human or Beaver? That is the question of the day today about my son Michael. So today we stayed home from the Guild School because michael has the on coming of a cold and the G.S rules are that even if your kid has the sniffles they ask the parents to keep them home because there are alot of kids there that if by some chance they get sick, they go straight to the hospital because their immune system are shot....but michaels fine, he's taking his medicine and is already feeling much better? You wanna know HOW i know this? Well this morning we were taking a nap. I woke up to hear his crib wiggle and him laughing and ....chomping?!? I walked into his room and found him STANDING in his crib...CHEWING on the top bar of the crib. All i could do is laugh and then he looked up with the "i know im cute" smile and starting giggling and fell down laughing! So ladies and gents....Human or Beaver?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A much needed Friend...
So it has been 6 WHOLE DAYS since i have been able to see a friend through out the whole "recovery" thing....but today Beth and her kids came and broke the "rut" that i was in! They came baring gifts as well...Lovely little J drew me a picture of a face (me) with an owie on her jaw! how cute! Also Beth BOUGHT ME A STARBUCKS!!! helllOOOOOOO coffee! SCORE! They stayed for a few hours playing and watching some Christmas specials. It was just great to see them and it lifted my "poor me" attitude! THANKS AND LOVES!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Most Amazing
So i have a new obsession. While i have been Bummed up on the couch i have found a new favorite show..."Amazing Wedding Cakes" on WEtv. This show is INSANE!! It shows how these artists/bakers come up with these WONDERFUL cakes! Seriously the show im watching now has a engagement cake of a baseball stadium that has baseballs, peanuts, and hot dogs on them on creating by sugar and cake stinking cool. I must say im jealous, and inspired to create some new goodies!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008
So it has been 4 days since the surgery and it has not been fun let me tell you...Thursday i was so nervous going in. Not because of the surgery itself, but because of those darn IV's they have to put in. I AM NOT A FAN OF NEEDLES...AT ALL!!!! but the nurse did really well and they actually have this Freeze Spray that use to numb you which is A GOD SEND to those who are terrified of needles...i didnt even feel it go in. The next thing i remember is waking up to my husband saying its time to go home...the rest of that night was a blur and than Friday came around...not a good day! the pain came on SOOO fast and then started the throwing up. When you just finished having teeth and jaw surgery and its hard for you to even smiling, just imagine the pain it brings for when you have to actually open your mouth for 2 days straight to throw up...not a fan, nope not at all. But through the bad the good shines through...aka MY MOTHER! My wonderful, beautiful, caring, helpful mother drove up from Oregon to save the day. She was amazing. She cleaned, she cooked, she held my hair back, took care of my son, she was supermom through and through. Im so lucky to have her for my mom! Today has been a better day, havent puked so thats a plus, and i was able to go out to target for an still swollen like a chipmunk and i got heat flashes and very dizzy...but it felt so good to get out of the house. I went and bought andy's Christmas gift and some Christmas decorations for the house and my mom spoiled me with some lip gloss and a coffee...have i mentioned that i love her? Tonight is my last night for painkillers (im cutting myself off) because i dont want to become dependent on them, plus my husband has to work tomorrow so i need to take care of michael and there is no way i need to be on them and take care of him at the same good ol ibuprofen has to do!
wish me luck!
wish me luck!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
So tomorrow i have surgery on my mouth! Turns out that my jaw is infected due to my wisdom teeth. It spreaded from my tooth to my huh?! So this time tomorrow i will be a human chipmunk! YAY!!!! lol so bloggers out there please post great stories because i will be reading!!
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