Create your own FACEinHOLE
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
TIS THE SEASON TO.....TAKE ALOT OF PICTURE:)!!! So i need your help, i am going to be posting a few pictures through out the week and i need your help on what should be the Christmas card one. ALSO i came up with an idea for a small scrapbook album and i need alittle help on it. Its called "Mikey's 12 days of Christmas"..Each day is going to have a theme but i need help coming up with them so let me have them people!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
So i went to the doctors because i have been feeling some weird things going on...migrains..pain in the legs then going nub...ya know...not the fun stuff. Plus i needed to get set up with a new OB because im basically terrified to go through the same doctor as before given what happened with michael. Not that im blaming the doctor for michaels outcome, i just didnt feel like we were listened too or taken care of. Anyways the wonderful new doctor told me that one of the reasons that my body acting up is because i need a diet and a vacation...haha it sounds funny typing it out...but this is serious stuff. She said that i am too busy taking care of everyone else that im forgetting about little ol me. Which is true but i am a mom, its my job to take care of everyone! and i think all mom's out there will agree that you put your family first before your own needs...its habit. But i do agree with her 100% on my health. i have gain weight and i do need to start taking better care of myself...its just actually finding time to do so! But its a must in order for my body to get healthier so here is my plea for help....Is there any healthy recipes that you guys know of that are realistic (im not Betty crocker ladies) and some exercising ideas that you can give me? I don't belong to a gym and i can't afford one so any and all ideas will be much appreciated! THANKS AND WISH ME LUCK! TOMORROW IS DAY ONE!!!! (and yes i will blog about my weight will be good motivation!)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
thought that i would blog that since i was a downer yesterday! i just needed at family day with nothing to do and no stress! All we did was be lazy and watch the zag's game at my aunts house for alittle bit. and now we are home just about to pop some pop corn and watch WALL-E:)
Have a good night! and sorry for my mood last night!
thought that i would blog that since i was a downer yesterday! i just needed at family day with nothing to do and no stress! All we did was be lazy and watch the zag's game at my aunts house for alittle bit. and now we are home just about to pop some pop corn and watch WALL-E:)
Have a good night! and sorry for my mood last night!
Friday, November 14, 2008
When it rains..
It pours!
seriously why is it that in order to have a good day you must have a month of bad? thats what it feels like...or when you feel like you are having a good day, you come home and find out that you were supposed to be somewhere and that you had no idea and now you feel like you let people your fun day turned out not so good. i need a whole 24 hrs of a good day. just one! PLEASE!
seriously why is it that in order to have a good day you must have a month of bad? thats what it feels like...or when you feel like you are having a good day, you come home and find out that you were supposed to be somewhere and that you had no idea and now you feel like you let people your fun day turned out not so good. i need a whole 24 hrs of a good day. just one! PLEASE!
Monday, November 10, 2008
this movie was FABULOUS! yes alittle bit on the corny side when it comes to the acting, BUT the message that this movie sends will touch the hearts of everyone in the room. I think it should be a prerequisite for all engaged couples before they get married...and a annual movie for all of us who are already married. You can have one of the best marriages but i guarantee that you will get something out of it!
this movie was FABULOUS! yes alittle bit on the corny side when it comes to the acting, BUT the message that this movie sends will touch the hearts of everyone in the room. I think it should be a prerequisite for all engaged couples before they get married...and a annual movie for all of us who are already married. You can have one of the best marriages but i guarantee that you will get something out of it!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
holiday fever!
before i type this feeling out i just want to say it only lasted for 5 please dont yell at me and call me crazy...i already know its true!
That being said...this morning i was laying in bed when the feeling of Christmas joy overcame me! As i laid there, i was actually HOPING FOR SNOW (this is where you hold back your yelling, i crazy!) Im not even joking. I wanted snow, i wanted apple cider, i wanted my Christmas cookies! So yes i was overjoyed with warm cozies...then i got out of bed to no snow, not cider, no cookies...just to a dirty diaper and a very vocal baby! Awww the blessings in life:)
That being said...this morning i was laying in bed when the feeling of Christmas joy overcame me! As i laid there, i was actually HOPING FOR SNOW (this is where you hold back your yelling, i crazy!) Im not even joking. I wanted snow, i wanted apple cider, i wanted my Christmas cookies! So yes i was overjoyed with warm cozies...then i got out of bed to no snow, not cider, no cookies...just to a dirty diaper and a very vocal baby! Awww the blessings in life:)
Friday, November 7, 2008
Cookie Tantrum!!!
I know i said i was going to go to bed BUT i had to come on here and share about the "cookie" tantrum that my son just had!!!
So my wonderful husband decided to make us some home made chocolate chip cookies...YUM ...anyways i was holding michael on my lap while i took a bite of a cookie and of course my son wanted a try and being the push over that i am i let him take a bite...well one bite, turned into the whole cookie...when i grabbed another for myself and only myself, michael decided that he was going to get all cutsie and cuddly to try to get another bite...but once he realize the cookie was "all gone"....HE FLIPPED! he started yelling, crying, and kicking his legs....seriously all andy and I could do was LAUGH. This was the first time we have seen this...yes he has cried for a bottle or to be held...but not for something small like was HILARIOUS! Once we muffled our laugh Andy took michael and told him that fits weren't acceptable and that his tude needed to change, you know, the dad thing.
But im still cracking up about the tantrum...he looked hilarious! oh boy....
So my wonderful husband decided to make us some home made chocolate chip cookies...YUM ...anyways i was holding michael on my lap while i took a bite of a cookie and of course my son wanted a try and being the push over that i am i let him take a bite...well one bite, turned into the whole cookie...when i grabbed another for myself and only myself, michael decided that he was going to get all cutsie and cuddly to try to get another bite...but once he realize the cookie was "all gone"....HE FLIPPED! he started yelling, crying, and kicking his legs....seriously all andy and I could do was LAUGH. This was the first time we have seen this...yes he has cried for a bottle or to be held...but not for something small like was HILARIOUS! Once we muffled our laugh Andy took michael and told him that fits weren't acceptable and that his tude needed to change, you know, the dad thing.
But im still cracking up about the tantrum...he looked hilarious! oh boy....
The Wonderful World of Hallmark!
Tonight was the Christmas open house at Hallmark. For those who know me...I LOVES ME SOME HALLMARK! Beth, her girls, and I (Michael was at home with daddy) loaded up, Grabbed some starbucks (of course) and headed into the store...THEY EVEN HAD A RED CARPET OUT FOR THEIR GUEST! Being an open house you would think that they would have some great offers, but they didnt...i was alittle bit disappointed but hey...I was still in Hallmark! It's funny...every time beth and i go shopping we always have a routine we do...starbucks first, then once we go into the stores we circle around all the walls and then go into the "gut" of the store...we do this at EVERY STORE...and you know what? I LOVE IT! i like having a pattern set so we dont miss anything...avid shoppers we are!
As of right now andy and i are crashed in the living room which needs a GOOD CLEANING...andy and i are slobs i blogging, he's reading, and Michael is asleep. I so badly want to shut my eyes and go to sleep but i haven't had any alone time with my husband this whole week and i so desperately want to be able to stay up and watch a movie, or play cards but i think im slowly and surely headed for bed...Im so lame!!!
Goodnight all!
As of right now andy and i are crashed in the living room which needs a GOOD CLEANING...andy and i are slobs i blogging, he's reading, and Michael is asleep. I so badly want to shut my eyes and go to sleep but i haven't had any alone time with my husband this whole week and i so desperately want to be able to stay up and watch a movie, or play cards but i think im slowly and surely headed for bed...Im so lame!!!
Goodnight all!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
I got Tagged!
So miss B decided to tag me, so here is my random seven:
One: I make up dance routines in my head while im listening to music
Two: I love grocery shopping by myself with a Starbucks in hand. SO RELAXING!
Three: Im scared of the dark...always need a light on unless my husband is with me!
Four: Would love to go to obsessed with it day
Five: Wish that i lived in a small quaint a hallmark town!
Six: Wish i had the power to pause time, it goes by too fast
Seven: Not that confidant about myself...something i need to work on
So there you go, there is my basically i dont know who to tag, the peoples blogs who i read i dont think they read mine, and they have already done it, SOOO if you haven't, and your reading this...TAG your it!
One: I make up dance routines in my head while im listening to music
Two: I love grocery shopping by myself with a Starbucks in hand. SO RELAXING!
Three: Im scared of the dark...always need a light on unless my husband is with me!
Four: Would love to go to obsessed with it day
Five: Wish that i lived in a small quaint a hallmark town!
Six: Wish i had the power to pause time, it goes by too fast
Seven: Not that confidant about myself...something i need to work on
So there you go, there is my basically i dont know who to tag, the peoples blogs who i read i dont think they read mine, and they have already done it, SOOO if you haven't, and your reading this...TAG your it!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Saturday love
Saturday morning i woke up to a phone call indicating that i didnt have to go into work that morning...i had two reactions "Darn, we need the money" and second "WHOO HOO Family day!"...the second feeling stuck around way longer:). This past Saturday was the FIRST FULL KIRSTEIN FAMILY DAY that we have had in months. What did we do you may ask?
First we cuddled in the bed, THE WHOLE FAMILY, deciding what to do. I had a bowl of chex mix and michael had his oatmeal, while my husband layed out on the couch reading his comic books and watching spiderman (which is sacrilegious considering he is a diehard superman fan)! After we finished our morning laziness we got ourselves ready to go the mall to do some much needed shoe shopping for the hub. Once we arrived, my amazing husband surprised me with a coffee from Barns and Nobel. Toasted Marshmallow Mocha baby! SOOO GOOD!!!! Anyways we poked around the mall for a few hours, Got a calendar, Andy's shoes, Some Cd's from Christan supply and of course don't forget my coffee! After the mall we stopped by Andy's store to pick up the "Get Smart" movie than Onward home for the kirsteins.
Once we arrived home we put our sack of potatoes (our son) down for a nap while andy and i just read, played on the computer, and watch some tv. Boy were we relaxed!! The rest of the night was like that, just being lazy BUMS and playing cards! Seriously i would trade all my weekdays, EVEN MY COFFEE, for more days like that!
First we cuddled in the bed, THE WHOLE FAMILY, deciding what to do. I had a bowl of chex mix and michael had his oatmeal, while my husband layed out on the couch reading his comic books and watching spiderman (which is sacrilegious considering he is a diehard superman fan)! After we finished our morning laziness we got ourselves ready to go the mall to do some much needed shoe shopping for the hub. Once we arrived, my amazing husband surprised me with a coffee from Barns and Nobel. Toasted Marshmallow Mocha baby! SOOO GOOD!!!! Anyways we poked around the mall for a few hours, Got a calendar, Andy's shoes, Some Cd's from Christan supply and of course don't forget my coffee! After the mall we stopped by Andy's store to pick up the "Get Smart" movie than Onward home for the kirsteins.
Once we arrived home we put our sack of potatoes (our son) down for a nap while andy and i just read, played on the computer, and watch some tv. Boy were we relaxed!! The rest of the night was like that, just being lazy BUMS and playing cards! Seriously i would trade all my weekdays, EVEN MY COFFEE, for more days like that!
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