Boy oh boy has this week been BUSY! There has been so many things that i have been wanting to share with you people and NOT ENOUGH TIME to get on here and do it! i have topics from family, to heath, to birthdays, and the list goes on! And because of my crazy week i really have no energy to stay on here and write a MILE long blog, which is sad because i really want to do it!
But i will write about today! This morning i woke up to my phone ringing around 7am, it was my Beth calling me, Thank goodness she did because i OVERSLEPT and i was supposed to be at her house pretty much right then! I set my alarm for 6am not expecting my son waking up at last night it a screaming frenzy! Normally my husband would take that shift if i had to be somewhere early the next morning, but lil man wouldn't have it...every time i even tried to walk out the room and back to bed he started screaming, i felt loved AND tired all at the same time! after we fed him and got to bed it was WELL pass 1AM and once my head hit the pillow i was OUT! When i realized the time when Beth called i pretty much FLEW out of bed, tripping over the mess on the floor, stubbing my toe, and trying to talk to Beth all at the same time, Pretty talented i must add. so once i got ready and was running out the door, i realized that i had NO KEYS, and sure enough it took me an extra 10 minutes destroying the house looking for them. haha it was definitely one of those mornings! But as soon as i got into the car on my way to Beth's it was SMOOTH SAILING:) Arrived with Starbucks in hand and ready to help Beth and her friend tackling the Yard Sailing Community! Which i must say was PRETTY SUCCESSFUL! It was a beautiful day...minus the morning at home hahah!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Oh to be Bald!
First of all let me state that i love my son VERY much and wouldn't trade him for the world. And on that note...IF HE PULLS MY HAIR ONE MORE TIME I'M GOING TO SHAVE MY HEAD!!! yes thats right, and its not even pulling, its RIPING out my hair.....i feel bad for getting mad at him but seriously it hurts!!!!!! i try to talk to him and explain to him ( a 1yr old) how pulling hurts and its not a nice thing but what does he do??? cracks up laughing his bottom off....litterly he was farting! well now that im done venting i will go and take some Advil for my headache!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Night of fun!!!!!

Okay ladies and Gents tonight was a girl night for My dear friend Beth and I!!! A much deserving one i think haha! Not only were we on a sugar high from Gelato and Starbucks, we also went shopping and boy did i spend money! i came home with shoes, wall art, and scrapbooking stuff. I was so excited that i made the guys pause their guy night so i can share all my new 'toys'. Bless their heart, they tried to act excited but i could tell that they wanted to resume their show hahaha. I have to say though that i thoroughly enjoyed tonight, the fellowship and laughter that Beth and i share together is a friendship that i hold close and I love each and every time i spend with her! I think we need to have a girls night at least one or twice a month, what do you think?
Sunday, July 20, 2008
So PROUD!!!!!
Today my son has made me SOOO proud! While we were at my aunts house, sitting on the floor with my son and farther, enjoying everyones company, my son decided to get up on all fours and go for my Starbucks, yes MY STARBUCKS!!!! it took two scoots (he was on his elbows), one arm at a time to steal my favorite drink!!!! i give him a week before he is crawling all over the place! But i will give him about 15 years before he can enjoy my Starbucks!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
How time flys!!!

At this time 11:20 pm last year i was in the hospital anxiously awaiting my sons arrival into the world...that little stinker made me wait 30 hours!!!!!! But he was well worth the wait, as we speak right now he is asleep at my feet. he was playing with his toys and all of the sudden conked out!!!! i cant believe that he will be one tomorrow, seriously it baffles me how this year flew by. and how much our lives were changed by this little man. Before Michael i probably wouldn't smell a baby's butt just to see if he needs changed, i would have passed that opportunity quickly. I wouldn't leave my house with spit up all over me, and now i feel way to dressed up if i DON'T HAVE IT ON ME. I wouldn't spend my mornings watching Arther and Curious George cartoons but now, my morning doesn't feel complete without them! What I'm trying to say is that my life may not be as glamorous as it was before Michael but i promise you its way more rewarding with him in it! I love you baby boy and thank you for making my life full of love!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
E.E.G. and all the Jazz
SO tonight i actually have some downtime so here i am!!!! i know i know, you are jumping off your feet in excitement:) Life lately has been grand!!!! Mr. Man (our son) went into the hospital last week for a over night E.E.G. and he rocked it like the star he is. Only Michael could keep a smile on his face while being treated like a guniepig . When they were drawing blood from his arm, he literally just looked at the needle with a smile on his face, and i KNOW he was trying to figure out how he could put it in his a days nothing is safe for his teeth!!! The night in the hospital was extremely emotional for us and things happened the honestly made my heart drop but the Lord is good and he provided us happiness at the end of the tunnel! Michael's E.E.G. came back 100% NORMAL! yeah you heard me, NORMAL! which means that he hasn't had any seizures for awhile and the doctors felt that it is safe to take him off his meds! Exciting I KNOW:) What a great blessing to what has literally been a nightmare! Awesome timing as well i might add, Michael will be turning one this Friday!!!! Things finally feel like it is all turning around, that this year we will have more good than bad. Don't get me wrong, i have loved this passed year with my son, I'm just saying, if we could keep the health problems down to a minimum this coming year i would HIGHLY appreciate it:)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
so i have to postpone for one more night, craziness is the prefect word for the night! i have some downtime tomorrow so i will try to get on! i just wanted to keep my promise:)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I know i know..
It has been a week since i have last posted and i am truly sorry but on my behalf i have been busy!! and i hate to break it but i kinda need to keep this short, Andy and i are watching our show and i think i am going to be a good wife and bake some AMAZING cookies:) But this is my promise...I WILL BE ON TOMORROW AND I WILL POST ABOUT HOW MY LIFE HAS CHANGED IN THE PAST WEEK! much love to you all and remember..put a smile on your face, just because i said so:)
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Happy 4th of July
Tonight my family and i went to the arena to watch the fireworks with some friends of ours. As i sat there with my son on my lap i scanned the area around me. I saw little j sitting on Jan's lap. Beth and Jacob holding hands, her brother and wife with their child nestled together next to them. Then i saw these tiny little hands reaching up in the air and immediately i started to laugh! My son was trying to catch the fireworks in the sky. The smile on his face was defiantly a Kodak moment that's for sure! I turned my head and saw my husband too taking in the moment, then our eyes met, it became our special moment. I'm the luckiest girl to have these people in my life!
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