Friday, May 30, 2008

YaY for new friends:)

So today i have officially made not one, but TWO new friends!!!! One of them is a woman who goes to the same church as i do, i have known her for a year But haven't really started to talk to her until these past couple weeks. She also is expecting her first child! She came over today to hang out and to try on some pregnancy clothes that i am letting her borrow. As we talked i found out that we have alot in common and how much i enjoyed her company:) I am looking forward to her friendship and i am excited that i found a friend in the church, I'm slowly but surely opening up there and i love it:)
Now to my neighbors down below. They have a son who is a month behind Michael and is as cute as a button! His mother is also very sweet, we have had many short convos in our passing but we actually have a date next week for us to go to Starbucks...STARBUCKS:) Her and her husband invited us down to their bonfire tonight so we all can get to know each other but sadly Michael wasn't feeling so hot....we are talking some MAJOR teething this week, he is screaming up a storm!!!!

Well I'm going to wrap this up but i just wanted to share my excitement:) Love you all!

lovely night of superman!

DA da DAAA Da NANANA it a bird, is it a plane? NO ITS SUPERMAN NIGHT AT THE KIRSTEINS:)!!!! lol alittle corny but i dig it! we had once again a great night with our friends watching some Clark Kent take on all those bad guys...good job Clark! the company was great, the kids were awesome...minus little M wasn't feeling so hot...poor girl!! We have been there done that with Michael, i wish i could have helped but no one can really, i hope that medicine helped!

After everyone left Andy and i had a game night once again of Gin and Boy oh boy was it close...but at the last hand Andy pulled through and kicked my booty! tomorrow is WAR!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


so i just read what i wrote below and somehow in the middle of my blog the LAST part got mixed with the middle and so forth and went on to make NO SENSE! lol sorry!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Scrapbooking love!

So i just got home from a lovely day of scrappin...yes that's right...Scrappin:) I'm working on a surprise for my hub hub and while i was cutting and taping i reminisced about how far our relationship has come, I'm more in love with him today taping today and letting me turn your living room into a craft room, it was much fun:)n i was when i married him and i guarantee that it will only grow stronger:) Thanks Beth for letting me come

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This blogging thing!

SOOO i finally figured out what was wrong with my blogger thingy majig! i had the wrong password, lol something SO simple got me SOOOO angry...shows me that i really need to practice on my patients thats for sure!!!!! but yeah its up and running:) yay!